Directory of Metals & Mining Dividend Stocks

Metals & Mining

Metals & Mining Industries:

Symbol Company Name Div. Yield Industry Market Cap
AA Alcoa Corporation 1.02% Non-Precious Metals $ 10,106,847,600
AAARF Aluar Aluminio Argentino S.A.I.C. (Argentina) N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
AABVF Aberdeen International Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 2,973,642
AAEEF Altair Resources Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 36,697
AAGC All American Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 96,636
AAGFF Aftermath Silver Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 2,196,150
AAMMF Almadex Minerals Ltd (New) N/A Mining $ 0
AAU Com Cl B/Almaden Minerals Ltd N/A Mining $ 20,102,877
AAUAF Com Cl B/Almaden Minerals Ltd N/A Mining $ 5,427,091
AAUKF Ord/Anglo American Plc (United Kingdom) 2.56% Mining $ 45,454,251,600
ABAT American Battery Technology Co N/A Mining $ 70,549,977
ABBRD AbraSilver Resource Corp N/A Mining $ 18,000,416
ABBRF AbraSilver Resource Corp N/A Mining $ 19,580,475
ABCFF Com No Par/Abacus Mining & Exploration Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 64,800
ABEPF Vision Lithium Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 1,238,659
ABMBF Cl B Com/Abcourt Mines, Inc. N/A Precious Metals $ 1,121,185
ABMLD American Battery Technology Co N/A Mining $ 426,355,800
ABMMF Prodigy Gold NL N/A Precious Metals $ 0
ABNAD Boron One Holdings Inc N/A Mining $ 507,612
ABNAF Aben Minerals Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 616,472
ABRMF Arbor Metals Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 1,541,750
ABZUF Abzu Gold Ltd N/A Mining $ 11
ACHHY ADR (Sponsored)/Aluminum Corp of China Ltd. 1.02% Non-Precious Metals $ 3,444,726,560
ACMNF Arc Minerals Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
ACNE Alice Consolidated Mines Inc. N/A Mining $ 0
ACNT Ascent Industries Co N/A Metal Products $ 118,057,500
ACPIF AC Energy Corp N/A Mining $ 0
ACPRD ArcPacific Resources Corp N/A Mining $ 640,996
ACPRF First Atlantic Nickel Corp N/A Mining $ 793,206
ACRXF Acerinox, S.A. 6.62% Non-Precious Metals $ 0
ADBRF Aldebaran Resources Inc N/A Mining $ 0
ADFJF Sub Vtg Shs/ADF Group Inc 0.32% Non-Precious Metals $ 126,664,704
ADGCF Advance Lithium Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 53,102
ADMLF CDI 1:1/Adriatic Metals Plc N/A Mining $ 0
ADOOY ADR/Adaro Energy Indonesia Tbk 8.49% Mining $ 0
ADRLF Adavale Resources Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
ADTLF Ord GBP 0.013355/Adriatic Metals Plc N/A Mining $ 0
ADVZF Adventus Mining Corp N/A Metal Products $ 0
ADXDF Adex Mining Inc. N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 1,754,389
AEM Agnico Eagle Mines Ltd 1.91% Precious Metals $ 18,253,304,160
AEOMF Aeon Metals Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
AEXE AIM Exploration Inc N/A Mining $ 1,458
AFBOF Ord/African Rainbow Minerals Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
AFCSF Vast Resources PLC N/A Mining $ 0
AFMCF African Metals Corp. N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 1,111
AFMJF Ord/Alphamin Resources Corp 8.31% Precious Metals $ 19,091,940
AFTTF AfriTin Mining Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
AFYG Affinity Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 5,123
AG First Majestic Silver Corp 0.30% Precious Metals $ 999,436,320
AGCBF Amarillo Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 9,386,792
AGCZ Andes Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 0
AGDXF Antioquia Gold Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 4,608,555
AGFAD Digicann Ventures Inc N/A Mining $ 147
AGFAF Digicann Ventures Inc N/A Mining $ 47
AGGFD Toubani Resources Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 10,201,719
AGGFF Toubani Resources Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 21,660
AGI Com Cl A/Alamos Gold Inc (New) 0.52% Precious Metals $ 7,525,632,660
AGIN American Graphite Technologies Inc N/A Metal Products $ 172,949
AGLAF T2 Metals Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 492,435
AGLDF Ord/Austral Gold Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
AGMRF Silver Mountain Resources Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 793,500
AGPIF Ord/Anglo Pacific Group Plc (United Kingdom) N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 191,465,076
AGPPF Ord/Anglo American Platinum Ltd 3.32% Precious Metals $ 4,073,843,750
AGRDF Minnova Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 1,543
AGRI AgriFORCE Growing Systems Ltd N/A Metal Products $ 3,363,500
AGRIW Wt Ser A Pur Com Exp 07/12/2024/AgriFORCE Growing Systems Ltd N/A Metal Products $ 0
AGSM Silver Stream Mining Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 382,072,000
AGSVF Argentum Silver Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 11,505
AGXKF Anglo Asian Mining Plc N/A Mining $ 0
AGXPF Silver X Mining Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 226,944
AHHLF Asahi Holdings, Inc. N/A Precious Metals $ 0
AHNMF Archon Minerals Ltd. N/A Precious Metals $ 8,544,093
AHNR Athena Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 7,410,388
AIAGF Ord/Aurubis AG 1.73% Metal Products $ 0
AIAGY ADR/Aurubis AG 1.17% Metal Products $ 0
AIERF Asian Mineral Resources Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 901,072
AIMLF AI/ML Innovations Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 708,351
AIRRF Aurion Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 2,185,000
AIVN American International Ventures, Inc. (DE) N/A Precious Metals $ 414
AKAVF Homerun Resources Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 5,330,846
AKEMF Alaska Energy Metals Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 1,304,020
ALACF Alacer Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 0
ALCCF Alicanto Minerals Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
ALCUD Com No Par/Alpha Copper Corp N/A Metal Products $ 0
ALDVD Kiplin Metals Inc N/A Mining $ 307,800
ALDVF Kiplin Metals Inc N/A Mining $ 157,491
ALEEF Alerio Gold Corp N/A Mining $ 0
ALGEF Ord/Alligator Energy Ltd. N/A Mining $ 0
ALGLF Alma Gold Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 0
ALKEF Ord/Alkane Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
ALLE Ord/Allegion Plc 1.36% Metal Products $ 12,068,353,070
ALLIF Ord Fully Paid/Atlantic Lithium Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
ALMMF Cl H Ord/Aluminum Corp of China Ltd. N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 2,457,485,215
ALMTF Almonty Industries Inc N/A Metal Products $ 23,670,385
ALTAF Ord (New)/Morella Corporation Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 2,569
ALTHF Ord Fully Paid/Altech Batteries Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
ALTPF Altiplano Metals Inc N/A Mining $ 132,463
ALTSF Alturas Minerals Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 489,232
ALTUF Ord GBP 0.05/Altus Strategies PLC N/A Mining $ 44,985,046
ALVLF Big Ridge Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 254,935
ALXEF ALX Resources Corp N/A Mining $ 857,870
AMBP Ord/Ardagh Metal Packaging SA 12.46% Metal Products $ 0
AMBP.WT Wt Exp 08/04/2026/Ardagh Metal Packaging SA N/A Metal Products $ 0
AMCDF American Copper Development Corp N/A Mining $ 0
AMCO Armco Metals Holdings Inc N/A Metal Products $ 42,349
AMHFF Amanta Resources Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 1,105
AMHPF Ord/Verde Agritech Plc N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 208,311,543
AMIQF Ashanti Sankofa Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 9,867
AMLI American Lithium Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 4,621,620
AMLM American Lithium Minerals Inc. N/A Mining $ 1,258,910
AMLZF African Minerals Ltd (Bermuda) N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
AMMCF Amur Minerals Corp N/A Mining $ 0
AMMPF Ammpower Corp N/A Mining $ 0
AMNL Applied Minerals Inc N/A Mining $ 39,084
AMNP American Sierra Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 179,312
AMNZF Ambrian PLC N/A Metal Products $ 0
AMQFF Abitibi Metals Corp N/A Mining $ 0
AMR Alpha Metallurgical Resources Inc N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 2,976,889,360
AMRK A-Mark Precious Metals, Inc 2.81% Precious Metals $ 658,889,280
AMRQF Amaroq Minerals Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 175,844,491
AMRR American Metals Recovery & Recycling Inc N/A Metal Products $ 14,405,300
AMRRY Sponsored Adr/American Rare Earths Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
AMSYF Ord/ArcelorMittal SA 1.97% Non-Precious Metals $ 27,437,134,425
AMVMF Ord/AMG Advanced Metallurgical Group NV, Amsterdam N/A Metal Products $ 0
AMXEF Amex Exploration Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 11,679,360
ANDD Contingent Rev Pmt Rt 03/31/2023/ANR Inc N/A Mining $ 0
ANDMF Andromeda Metals Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
ANFGF Ord/Antofagasta Plc (United Kingdom) N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
ANGBF Anglo-Bomarc Mines Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 1,185
ANGCD Angel Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 1,401,678
ANGCF Eon Lithium Corp N/A Mining $ 18,431
ANGGF Angang Steel Co Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
ANGPY ADR (Sponsored)/Anglo American Platinum Ltd 2.19% Precious Metals $ 0
ANGUF Canada One Mining Corp N/A Mining $ 70,858
ANIOY ADR/Acerinox, S.A. 4.78% Non-Precious Metals $ 0
ANLBF Aton Resources Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 10,819,670
ANLDF Anfield Energy Inc N/A Mining $ 1,310,022
ANPMF Andean Precious Metals Corp N/A Mining $ 0
ANSNF Ord/Anson Resources Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
ANTMF Ord Fully Paid/Antilles Gold Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
AOTVF Ascot Resources Ltd (Canada) N/A Mining $ 4,649,805
AOVTF Andover Mining Corp. N/A Precious Metals $ 103
AP Ampco-Pittsburgh Corp. N/A Metal Products $ 40,188,000
APAAF Appia Rare Earths & Uranium Corp N/A Mining $ 0
APCOD New Tech Minerals Corp N/A Mining $ 0
APCOF American Potash Corp (New) N/A Mining $ 1,962,155
APEMY NY Registry Sh/Aperam SA 6.15% Metal Products $ 0
APGOF Apollo Silver Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 8,971,560
APMCF Morien Resources Corp N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 10,669,048
APMFF Eagle Graphite Inc N/A Mining $ 465,506
APMSF Reg Shs/Aperam SA 8.19% Metal Products $ 0
APPCF Ord (New)/APAC Resources Ltd N/A Metal Products $ 0
APRAF Trailbreaker Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 1,320,166
AP__.WT Wt Ser A Exp 08/01/2025/Ampco-Pittsburgh Corp. N/A Metal Products $ 0
AQMS Aqua Metals Inc N/A Metal Products $ 14,121,360
ARAAF Aclara Resources Inc N/A Mining $ 0
ARAFF Ord Fully Paid/Arafura Rare Earths Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
ARAO AuraSource Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 694
ARBTF Argo Gold Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 634,581
ARCH Cl A/Arch Resources Inc (DE) 2.68% Mining $ 2,789,095,320
ARCUF Arcus Development Group Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 0
ARDDF Ardiden Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
ARDNF Argent Minerals Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
AREC Cl A/American Resources Corp N/A Mining $ 92,130,990
ARIZF Affinity Metals Corp N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 23,486
ARLP Units LP Int/Alliance Resource Partners LP 10.50% Mining $ 3,414,132,920
ARMN Aris Mining Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 3,201,602,500
ARMZF Ord (New)/Aura Minerals Inc (British Virgin Islands) 9.62% Precious Metals $ 174,407,253
ARNGF Argonaut Gold Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 32,881,753
ARREF Amerigo Resources Ltd. 10.47% Non-Precious Metals $ 191,610,180
ARRKF Arras Minerals Corp N/A Mining $ 12,090,180
ARRNF Ord/American Rare Earths Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
ARRRF Ord Fully Paid/Ardea Resources Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
ARSMF Ares Strategic Mining Inc N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 1,085,994
ARSRF Aeris Resources Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
ARTR AirTrona International Inc N/A Mining $ 32
ARTTF Ord Fully Paid/Artemis Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
ARXRF Imagine Lithium Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 317,065
ARYMF Ord Fully Paid/Argosy Minerals Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
ASALF American Salars Lithium Inc N/A Mining $ 0
ASAZF Cl B Ord (New)/ASSA ABLOY AB 1.54% Metal Products $ 0
ASAZY ADR (Unsponsored)/ASSA ABLOY AB 1.59% Metal Products $ 0
ASCUF Arizona Sonoran Copper Co Inc N/A Mining $ 0
ASDRF Ascendant Resources Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 297,494
ASDZD Arctic Star Exploration Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 53,879
ASDZF Com No Par/Arctic Star Exploration Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 11,152
ASGOF Asante Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 16,289,910
ASKDF First Energy Metals Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 9,120,422
ASKE Com Par $ (New)/Alaska Pacific Energy Corp N/A Mining $ 0
ASLRF Ord/Alien Metals Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 76,612
ASM Avino Silver & Gold Mines Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 94,943,140
ASMMF Ord Fully Paid/Australian Strategic Materials Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
ASOE Apollo Solar Energy Inc N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 1,118,414
ASPXF Aspire Mining Ltd. N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
ASTL Algoma Steel Group Inc 1.98% Non-Precious Metals $ 1,129,705,920
ASTLW Wt Exp 10/19/2026/Algoma Steel Group Inc N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
ASWRF Gungnir Resources Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 646,293
ASXSF Elysee Development Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 4,300,218
ATCMF Atico Mining Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 2,940,880
ATCUF Alta Copper Corp N/A Mining $ 9,217,333
ATCV ATC Venture Group Inc N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 7
ATEPF Astra Exploration Inc N/A Mining $ 0
ATI ATI Inc (New) N/A Metal Products $ 8,059,329,500
ATLDF Atlanta Gold Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 239
ATLED Isracann Biosciences Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 0
ATLMF Ord GBP/Atalaya Mining PLC N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 103,849,650
ATLX Com Par $0.001/Atlas Lithium Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 116,052,500
ATLXD Atlas Lithium Corp N/A Mining $ 37,786,500
ATLYD Altaley Mining Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 11,157,760
ATLYF Luca Mining Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 13,162,670
ATMMF Atomic Minerals Corp (Canada) N/A Mining $ 0
ATMTF Ord NPV/AfriTin Mining Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
ATOXF Durango Resources, Inc. N/A Precious Metals $ 43,740
ATRCF Atrum Coal NL N/A Mining $ 0
ATRGF Black Dragon Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 788,630
ATUSF Altius Minerals Corp 1.41% Non-Precious Metals $ 511,928,000
ATVVF Ord/Australian Vanadium Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
AU Ord/AngloGold Ashanti plc 1.64% Precious Metals $ 5,552,192,680
AUCOY ADR (Sponsored)/Polymetal International Plc N/A Precious Metals $ 0
AUCUF Inflection Resources Ltd N/A Metal Products $ 6,802,397
AUEEF Ord/Aura Energy Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
AUGG Augusta Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 84,211,400
AUHIF Advanced Gold Exploration Inc N/A Mining $ 0
AUIAF Shs Cdn/Aurania Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 7,123,880
AUIWF Aurania Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
AULGF Ord/AngloGold Ashanti Ltd 1.37% Precious Metals $ 6,603,285,900
AUMC Auryn Mining Corp N/A Mining $ 0
AUMMF AuMEGA Metals Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
AUMN Golden Minerals Co N/A Precious Metals $ 1,816,897
AUMTF Aurelia Metals Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
AUNFF Com No Par (New)/Aurcana Silver Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 1,314,292
AUQSF Ausquest Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
AURQD Aurelius Minerals Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 911,430
AURQF Aurelius Minerals Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 3,335
AURWF Aurwest Resources Corp N/A Metal Products $ 0
AUST Austin Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 0
AUSVD Gold79 Mines Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 406,852
AUSVF Gold79 Mines Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 558,872
AUVI Applied UV Inc N/A Metal Products $ 1,253,916
AUVIQ Com (new)/Applied UV Inc N/A Metal Products $ 4
AUVI_P Applied UV Inc N/A Metal Products $ 15,084,420
AUVPQ Pfd Ser A/Applied UV Inc N/A Metal Products $ 7,736
AUXIF Auxico Resources Canada Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 0
AUXRD AUX Resources Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 450,106
AUXXF Allegiant Gold Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
AVEW AVEW Holdings Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 3
AVGDD Avidian Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 127,400
AVLNF Avalon Advanced Materials Inc N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 5,574,608,000
AVPMD Avrupa Minerals Ltd. N/A Mining $ 758,509
AVPMF Avrupa Minerals Ltd. N/A Mining $ 116,529
AVTGF Avanti Gold Corp N/A Mining $ 0
AWCMF Ord/Alumina Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
AWCMY ADR (Sponsored)/Alumina Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 1,026,207,450
AWLRF Awale Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 6,728,894
AXDDF Azucar Minerals Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
AXMA Axiom Management Inc (PA) N/A Precious Metals $ 23
AXMIF Com New/AXMIN Inc. N/A Precious Metals $ 1,068,059
AXNLF Ord Fully Paid/Alliance Nickel Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
AXPRF Amseco Exploration Ltd N/A Mining $ 132,651
AXREF AMARC Resources Ltd. N/A Precious Metals $ 24,381,405
AXVED CDN Maverick Capital Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 256,600
AXVEF CDN Maverick Capital Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 102,640
AXXDF Alderon Iron Ore Corp N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 130
AYASF Aya Gold & Silver Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 537,277,850
AYURF Ayurcann Holdings Corp N/A Mining $ 226,428
AZGFF Azteca Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 66
AZIL Aziel Corp N/A Mining $ 8
AZLAF Ord Fully Paid/Arizona Lithium Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
AZMTF Azimut Exploration Inc. N/A Precious Metals $ 6,523,451
AZNVF AZN Capital Corp N/A Mining $ 2
AZRMF Azure Minerals Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
AZRTF Australian Pacific Coal Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
AZURD Azincourt Energy Corp N/A Mining $ 17,890,358
AZURF Azincourt Energy Corp N/A Mining $ 2,044,872
AZZ AZZ Inc 0.73% Metal Products $ 2,800,968,750
AZZTF Aztec Minerals Corp N/A Mining $ 0
AZZVF AVZ Minerals Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
BAGGF Blende Silver Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 168,445
BAJFF Camrova Resources Inc N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 17
BALL Ball Corp 1.37% Metal Products $ 17,380,330,240
BARUF Baru Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 954,721
BATXD Battery X Metals Inc N/A Mining $ 0
BAUFF Blue Star Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 54,693
BBBMD Huntsman Exploration Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 872,682
BBBMF Huntsman Exploration Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 378,948
BBBXF Brixton Metals Corp N/A Mining $ 591,787
BBSRF Com No Par/Bluestone Resources Inc N/A Mining $ 907,593
BCBNF Base Carbon Inc N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
BCEKF Bear Creek Mining Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 7,731,480
BCGOF NEO Battery Materials Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 5,430,643
BCMRF BCM Resources Corp N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 249,973
BCUFF Bell Copper Corp (New) N/A Precious Metals $ 1,028,522
BDGCF CDI 1:1/Black Dragon Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 0
BDLNF Badlands Resources Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 0
BDMMF Burgundy Diamond Mines Limited N/A Mining $ 0
BDNNY ADR/Boliden AB 2.28% Mining $ 0
BDRGF Jaeger Resources Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 94,218
BEAG Blue Eagle Lithium Inc N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 15,352
BEKAY ADR/N.V. Bekaert S.A. (Belgium) 3.40% Non-Precious Metals $ 0
BEKSF N.V. Bekaert S.A. (Belgium) 4.68% Non-Precious Metals $ 0
BELDF Batero Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 0
BELGF Ord Fully Paid/Bellevue Gold Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
BELMF Belmont Resources Inc. N/A Mining $ 2,306
BENZF Benz Mining Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 510,587
BFGCD Augusta Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 127,910,500
BGADD Pace Metals Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 3,450
BGADF Pace Metals Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 7,728
BGAVF Bravada Gold Corp. N/A Precious Metals $ 131,670
BGDFF Ord Fully Paid/Barton Gold Holdings Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
BGFGF Beauce Gold Fields Inc N/A Mining $ 0
BGUUF Benguet Corp BC N/A Precious Metals $ 0
BHLIF Ord/Bradda Head Holdings Ltd N/A Metal Products $ 0
BHLL Bunker Hill Mining Corp N/A Mining $ 30,034,914
BHP Sponsored ADR/BHP Group Ltd 5.59% Mining $ 36,118,105,050
BHPLF Ord/BHP Group Ltd 5.89% Mining $ 88,240,557,600
BHSIF Bayhorse Silver Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 551,560
BHST Bioharvest Sciences Inc N/A Mining $ 0
BILZF Sub Vtg Shs/Ignite International Brands Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
BIOF Blue Biofuels Inc N/A Mining $ 35,733,758
BIRNF BCI Minerals Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
BITTF Bitterroot Resources Ltd. N/A Precious Metals $ 408,838
BKBLF Magnetic North Acquisition Corp N/A Mining $ 125,662
BKEN Bakken Energy Corp N/A Mining $ 531
BKIRF Black Iron Inc N/A Mining $ 0
BKLRF Berkeley Energia Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
BKMM Bekem Metals Inc N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 125
BKMNF Barker Minerals Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 2,788
BKRRF Blackrock Silver Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 2,795,797
BKSLF Banks Island Gold Ltd. N/A Precious Metals $ 16
BKTRF Black Rock Mining Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
BKUCF Com No Par/Blue Sky Uranium Corp N/A Mining $ 159,477
BLAGF Blue Lagoon Resources Inc N/A Mining $ 0
BLFDF Blockchain Foundry Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 0
BLHWF Belimo Holding AG N/A Metal Products $ 0
BLIDF Share AK/Boliden AB 2.28% Mining $ 0
BLILF Bearing Lithium Corp (New) N/A Precious Metals $ 11,827,126
BLL Ball Corp 1.08% Metal Products $ 22,222,137,610
BLLYF Ord/Bluejay Mining PLC N/A Precious Metals $ 0
BLNMF Blue Note Mining Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 59
BLPFF BLOK Technologies Inc N/A Mining $ 0
BLSFY ADR (New)/BlueScope Steel Ltd. 2.67% Non-Precious Metals $ 0
BLSTF Ord Fully Paid/Blackstone Minerals Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
BLXX Blox Inc N/A Mining $ 793,626
BMIND Bullet Blockchain Inc N/A Mining $ 951,200
BMOOD Blue Moon Metals Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 980,490
BMOOF Blue Moon Metals Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 4,011,605
BMSPF Biomass Secure Power, Inc. N/A Mining $ 1,175,500
BMVVD Bathurst Metals Corp N/A Mining $ 2,030,700
BMVVF Bathurst Metals Corp N/A Mining $ 885,385
BMXI Brookmount Explorations Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 17,738
BMXID Brookmount Explorations Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 536,900
BNNLD Ord (New)/Bannerman Energy Ltd N/A Mining $ 35,048,780
BNNLF Ord (New)/Bannerman Energy Ltd N/A Mining $ 42,668,080
BNPJF Banpu Public Co Ltd 3.67% Mining $ 0
BNPJY ADR/Banpu Public Co Ltd 12.64% Mining $ 0
BNRJF Silver Valley Metals Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 918,938
BNTRF Benton Resources Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 4,957,810
BNVID Binovi Technologies Corp N/A Mining $ 2,238,300
BNVIF Binovi Technologies Corp N/A Mining $ 17
BOCOF Bougainville Copper Ltd. (Papua New Guinea) N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
BOLIF Shs AK/Boliden AB 8.62% Mining $ 0
BONXF Com No Par/Bonterra Resources Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 5,962,500
BOOM DMC Global Inc N/A Metal Products $ 148,192,400
BPCOF Grounded Lithium Corp N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 452,130
BPLNF American Rare Earths Ltd N/A Metal Products $ 0
BPUZF Eros Resources Corp N/A Mining $ 4,820,717
BRCGD Nordique Resources Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 0
BRCGF Nordique Resources Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 0
BRELY Brazilian Rare Earths Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
BRETF Brazilian Rare Earths Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
BRGC Brightrock Gold Corp N/A Mining $ 0
BRIOF Magna Terra Minerals Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 485,950
BRKCF Barksdale Resources Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 343,710
BRSGF Ord CAD/Queen's Road Capital Investment Ltd 2.96% Precious Metals $ 2,080,281
BRSLF Barsele Minerals Corp N/A Mining $ 10,101,039
BRUZF Canada Carbon Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 676,575
BRVRF Blue River Resources Ltd N/A Mining $ 79,116
BRVVD Quantum Battery Metals Corp N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 268,307
BRVVF Quantum Battery Metals Corp N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 366,704
BRWXF Brunswick Exploration Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 3,539,025
BRYGF Baroyeca Gold & Silver Inc. N/A Precious Metals $ 76,353
BRYYF Ord Fully Paid/Amani Gold Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
BSHVF Ord GBP 0.01/Bushveld Minerals Ltd (Guernsey) N/A Mining $ 0
BSRSD BE Resources Inc N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 1,416,610
BSRSF BE Resources Inc N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 937,463
BSRUF Base Resources Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
BSSMF Greenwing Resources Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
BSXGF Belo Sun Mining Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 4,856,333
BTCWD Bluesky Digital Assets Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 133,977
BTCWF Com No Par/Bluesky Digital Assets Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 726,252
BTG B2Gold Corp 6.11% Precious Metals $ 2,699,648,000
BTKRD Q Precious & Battery Metals Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 0
BTKRF Q Precious & Battery Metals Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 0
BTRYD Battery Minerals Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
BTRYF Ord/Waratah Minerals Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
BTU Com Par/Peabody Energy Corp (New) 1.36% Mining $ 2,673,000,000
BTUMF BTU Metals Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 346,785
BTURF Ord (New)/Bathurst Resources Ltd (New) N/A Mining $ 0
BURCA Cl A/Burnham Holdings, Inc. 6.42% Metal Products $ 74,946,075
BURCB Burnham Holdings, Inc. 7.49% Metal Products $ 0
BUSC Blue Star Global Inc N/A Mining $ 402
BVAXF BioVaxys Technology Corp N/A Mining $ 911,838
BVLDD Bold Ventures Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 85,280
BVLDF Bold Ventures Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 61,500
BVN ADR (Sponsored) repr Com Shs/Compania de Minas Buenaventura S.A. 0.54% Precious Metals $ 3,264,875,760
BVTEF Iconic Minerals Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 215,684
BVTLF St James Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 5,074,838
BWCGF Blackwolf Copper & Gold Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 660,247
BWNAF SI6 Metals Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
BXRDF Australian Silica Quartz Group Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
BXXRF ExGen Resources Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 1,903,795
BYAGF Cl A/Banyan Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 1,623,154
BYHFF Bryah Resources Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
BYRN Byrna Technologies Inc N/A Metal Products $ 555,297,030
BYRND Byrna Technologies Inc N/A Metal Products $ 322,519,400
BYRSF Bayan Resources Tbk PT N/A Mining $ 0
BZDLD Kincora Copper Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 1,718,291
BZDLF Com Par $/Kincora Copper Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 314,130
CADID Cadillac Ventures Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 1,751,136
CAEN California-Engels Mining Co. N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 2,006,050
CAFZF Canaf Investments Inc N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 9,959,460
CAGDF Centerra Gold Inc 1.93% Precious Metals $ 2,122,576,599
CAHPF Ord/Evolution Mining Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
CALRF Calidus Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
CAMLF Central Asia Metals PLC N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
CAMZF Camino Minerals Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 336,945
CAPFF Capital Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
CAPTF Capitan Silver Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 8,074,880
CARR Carrier Global Corp 1.04% Metal Products $ 65,506,543,270
CATPF Giyani Metals Corp N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 3,554,650
CATTF Cat Strategic Metals Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 0
CAUFF Capral Ltd N/A Metal Products $ 0
CAULF Ord/Cauldron Energy Ltd. N/A Precious Metals $ 0
CAWRF Carawine Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
CAXPD District Copper Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 1,782,043
CAXPF District Copper Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 397,404
CBBHF Ord Fully Paid/Cobalt Blue Holdings Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
CBBWF Power Group Projects Corp N/A Mining $ 634,440
CBEEF Cabo Drilling Corp N/A Mining $ 31
CBIXF Cambior Inc. N/A Precious Metals $ 0
CBLRF Campbell Resources Inc. N/A Precious Metals $ 469
CBNWF Carbon Streaming Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 0
CBRSF Champion Bear Resources Ltd. N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 195,230
CBULD Gratomic Inc N/A Mining $ 45,600
CBULF Gratomic Inc N/A Mining $ 35,910
CCARF Colonial Coal International Corp N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 73,714,200
CCCFF Carlyle Commodities Corp N/A Mining $ 0
CCEDF Cascadero Copper Corp N/A Mining $ 308,845
CCHI Cambridge Capital Holdings Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 54,000
CCJ Cameco Corp. 0.21% Mining $ 21,487,601,970
CCK Crown Holdings Inc 1.14% Metal Products $ 10,513,260,160
CCNCD Kaizen Discovery Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 22,987,138
CCNCF Kaizen Discovery Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 6,582,800
CCOB Century Cobalt Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 10,436
CCOOF Core Assets Corp N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
CCOZF Ord Cl H/China Coal Energy Co Ltd 8.73% Mining $ 0
CCOZY ADR (Unsponsored)/China Coal Energy Co Ltd 7.89% Mining $ 0
CCPR CaseyCorp Enterprises, Inc. N/A Precious Metals $ 4,500
CCRE Can-Cal Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 44
CCRRF Green River Gold Corp N/A Metal Products $ 0
CCWOD Nord Precious Metals Mining Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 915,810
CCWOF Nord Precious Metals Mining Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 694,645
CDBMD Cordoba Minerals Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 3,409,138
CDBMF Com No Par/Cordoba Minerals Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 961,880
CDCLF Ayurcann Holdings Corp N/A Mining $ 1,363,958
CDE Coeur Mining Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 2,619,020,960
CDELF Candelaria Mining Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 894,498
CDIIQ CD International Enterprises Inc N/A Metal Products $ 92
CDMNF Canadian Manganese Co Inc N/A Metal Products $ 0
CDNMD EGR Exploration Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 852,081
CDNMF EGR Exploration Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 450,156
CEAD Com Par $0.00001/CEA Industries Inc N/A Metal Products $ 6,413,141
CEADW Wt Pur Com Exp 02/11/2027/CEA Industries Inc N/A Metal Products $ 0
CECBF Saltbae Capital Corp N/A Mining $ 6
CEGMF Cerro Grande Mining Corp. N/A Mining $ 109,600
CEIX CONSOL Energy Inc (New) 0.21% Mining $ 3,423,813,120
CENX Century Aluminum Co. N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 1,936,715,130
CERX Colombia Energy Resources Inc. N/A Mining $ 31
CESSF Chesser Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
CEUMF Century Global Commodities Corp (Cayman Islands) N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 10,960
CEXPF Cache Exploration Inc N/A Mining $ 1
CFEGF China Nonferrous Gold Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
CFTN Clifton Mining Co. N/A Precious Metals $ 1,353,846
CGAU Centerra Gold Inc 3.51% Precious Metals $ 1,378,037,100
CGCO Commerce Group Corp. N/A Mining $ 31
CGDNF Conroy Gold & Natural Resources PLC N/A Precious Metals $ 0
CGDXF Xali Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 1,649,025
CGLCF Cassiar Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 5,590,916
CGMLF Ord/Chalice Mining Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
CGNMF Ord/CGN Mining Company Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
CGOLF Contact Gold Corp (Canada) N/A Precious Metals $ 1,303,484
CHCX CTGX Mining Inc N/A Mining $ 0
CHELF Champion Electric Metals Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 300,700
CHHQF Ord/China Hongqiao Group Ltd 4.86% Non-Precious Metals $ 0
CHHQY ADR/China Hongqiao Group Ltd 5.70% Non-Precious Metals $ 0
CHKMF Ord/Altair Minerals Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
CHNR China Natural Resources Inc N/A Mining $ 3,854,466
CHOPF China Gerui Advanced Materials Group Ltd. N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 590
CHPGF Chesapeake Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 0
CHPRF Champion Iron Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
CHTM Chatham Corp. (DE) 3.31% Metal Products $ 0
CHXMF Troilus Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 9,090,909
CHZHF China Zhongwang Holdings Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
CIAFF Ord/Champion Iron Ltd 3.65% Non-Precious Metals $ 0
CILLF Capital Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
CISXF Global Dep Rcpts Reg S/China Steel Corp N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
CJCFF Quebec Precious Metals Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 784,630
CJIMF Gunpoint Exploration Ltd. N/A Precious Metals $ 2,402,940
CKALF Cokal Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
CKEFF Radio Fuels Energy Corp N/A Mining $ 0
CKGDF KalNorth Gold Mines Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
CLASD Questex Gold & Copper Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 1,006,214
CLASF Questex Gold & Copper Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 911,520
CLBN Caliber Energy Inc N/A Mining $ 37
CLF Cleveland-Cliffs Inc (New) N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 4,778,688,400
CLGCF Clarity Metals Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 422,055
CLGDF Aris Mining Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 0
CLLMF Collective Metals Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 0
CLLXF Callinex Mines Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 5,321,106
CLRSF Castile Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
CLXPF Cybin Inc N/A Mining $ 0
CLYMF Ord/Catalyst Metals Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
CMAUF Chibougamau Independant Mines Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 1,461,510
CMC Commercial Metals Co. 1.22% Non-Precious Metals $ 6,516,791,100
CMCL Ord (New)/Caledonia Mining Corporation PLC 5.44% Precious Metals $ 124,825,700
CMCLF Shs/CMOC Group Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
CMCXF Com No Par/CMC Metals Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 344,432
CMDLF Cassius Mining Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
CMDRF Commander Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 576,525
CMETF Power Nickel Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 3,650,964
CMILF Capella Minerals Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 57,433
CMIM Changming Industrial Management Group Holding N/A Mining $ 836
CMLGF Canickel Mining Ltd. N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 300,168
CMMMD Comstock Metals Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 247,234
CMMMF Com No Par/Comstock Metals Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 34,920
CMND Clearmind Medicine Inc N/A Mining $ 0
CMP Compass Minerals International Inc 4.59% Mining $ 541,323,940
CMRZD Commerce Resources Corp N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 6,116,850
CMRZF Commerce Resources Corp N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 1,552,500
CMTNF Cullinan Metals Corp N/A Mining $ 0
CNCZF Conico Ltd. N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
CNDGF Ord/Condor Gold PLC N/A Precious Metals $ 0
CNIKF Canada Nickel Co Inc N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 36,029,700
CNMXF Canamex Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 33
CNOBD Hemlo Explorers Inc N/A Mining $ 3,580,045
CNOBF Hemlo Explorers Inc N/A Mining $ 526,800
CNRIF Condor Resources Inc N/A Mining $ 1,038,150
CNRSF Canadian North Resources Inc N/A Mining $ 71,876,272
CNSMF Caeneus Minerals Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
CNSNF Constantine Metal Resource Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 7,568,688
CNSUF Canasil Resources, Inc. N/A Precious Metals $ 7
CNTRD Centr Brands Corp N/A Mining $ 0
CNTRF Centr Brands Corp N/A Mining $ 0
CNVCD Bioharvest Sciences Inc N/A Mining $ 0
CNYCF Searchlight Resources Inc N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 1,814,000
COBAD International Cobalt Corp N/A Mining $ 0
COBAF International Cobalt Corp N/A Mining $ 0
COBCF Enerev5 Metals Inc N/A Mining $ 19,622
CODGF Ord/Compagnie de Saint-Gobain 2.40% Metal Products $ 34,776,146,000
CODMF Ord Fully Paid/Coda Minerals Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
CODQL Chess Dep Int/Coronado Global Resources Inc N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
CODYY ADR/Compagnie de Saint-Gobain 2.43% Metal Products $ 0
COECF Canam Coal Corp. N/A Mining $ 10,388
COGDF Compass Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 2,181,892
COHLF Contango Holdings PLC N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
COLTF Colt Resources Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 55
COLUF Colossus Minerals Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 52
CONXF Nickel 28 Capital Corp N/A Metal Products $ 43,090,966
COPAF CopAur Minerals Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 224,834
CORVF Corvus Gold Inc N/A Mining $ 114,773,300
CPCPF CopperCorp Resources Inc N/A Mining $ 0
CPEFF Voyageur Mineral Explorers Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 0
CPFXF Copper Fox Metals Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 22,500,400
CPKOD Akwaaba Mining Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 539,784
CPKOF Akwaaba Mining Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 190,058
CPNFF Euro Sun Mining Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 1,495,030
CPPKF Faraday Copper Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 150,394,626
CPSH CPS Technologies Corp N/A Metal Products $ 22,370,040
CPYCF Compliance Energy Corp N/A Mining $ 8
CQRLD Conquest Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 3,573,163
CQRLF Conquest Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 318,398
CRBKF Carebook Technologies Inc (New) N/A Mining $ 3,488,933
CRCUD CanaGold Resources Ltd N/A Mining $ 32,700,862
CRCUF CanaGold Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 14,204,752
CRDOF Cerrado Gold Inc (New) N/A Mining $ 17,495,160
CRECF Critical Elements Lithium Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 27,800,950
CRGP Calissio Resources Group Inc N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 3
CRML Ord/Critical Metals Corp N/A Mining $ 0
CRMLW Wts 03/31/2025/Critical Metals Corp N/A Mining $ 0
CRNLF Ord Fully Paid/Capricorn Metals Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
CROJD Marimaca Copper Corp N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 6,953,666
CROJF Marimaca Copper Corp N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 11,438,743
CROOF Cariboo Rose Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 517,100
CRS Carpenter Technology Corp. 0.46% Non-Precious Metals $ 8,677,516,050
CRSTD Crest Resources Inc N/A Mining $ 0
CRSXF Corsa Coal Corp N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 15,228,721
CRTID Cartier Silver Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 0
CRTIF Cartier Silver Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 0
CRTTD Metalero Mining Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 0
CRTTF Metalero Mining Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 0
CRUCF Colibri Resource Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 12,331
CRXPD Vert Infrastructure Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
CRXPF Vert Infrastructure Ltd N/A Mining $ 11
CRZNF Corazon Mining Ltd. N/A Mining $ 0
CSCCF Capstone Copper Corp N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
CSCPF Crown Seal Public Co., Ltd. (Thailand) N/A Metal Products $ 0
CSL Carlisle Companies Inc. 0.88% Metal Products $ 19,038,699,810
CSMRF Classic Minerals Ltd. N/A Precious Metals $ 0
CSRIF Copper Standard Resources Inc N/A Mining $ 0
CSRNF Com No Par/Canstar Resources Inc N/A Mining $ 1,163,675
CSRVF Cross River Ventures Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 51,375
CSTM Ord Cl A/Constellium SE (France) N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 1,561,987,080
CSTMF CST Group Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
CSUAY ADR/China Shenhua Energy Co., Ltd. 6.13% Mining $ 0
CTAM Castle (AM) & Co N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 91,413
CTAMD Castle (AM) & Co N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 24,390,300
CTDT Centaurus Diamond Technologies Inc N/A Mining $ 21,433
CTGO Contango Ore, Inc. N/A Mining $ 139,766,040
CTHCF Ord/Cathay Real Estate Development Co Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
CTJHF Citic Resources Holdings Ltd 4.22% Non-Precious Metals $ 0
CTJHY Citic Resources Holdings Ltd 7.26% Non-Precious Metals $ 0
CTMCD Canterra Minerals Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 564,854
CTMCF Canterra Minerals Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 242,488
CTOHF Citigold Corp Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
CTPCF Ord/CITIC Ltd 6.57% Metal Products $ 2,346,504,600
CTPCY ADR (Sponsored)/CITIC Ltd 5.73% Metal Products $ 0
CTTZF Ord/Centaurus Metals Ltd. N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
CTVFF CleanTech Vanadium Mining Corp N/A Mining $ 0
CTXDF Com No Par/Cantex Mine Development Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 1,202,642
CTXV CTX Virtual Technologies Inc. N/A Precious Metals $ 0
CUAEF Cl H Ord/China Shenhua Energy Co., Ltd. N/A Mining $ 0
CUAUD C3 Metals Inc N/A Mining $ 799,876
CUGCF China Oriental Group Co Ltd 9.53% Non-Precious Metals $ 0
CUGCY ADR/China Oriental Group Co Ltd 3.71% Non-Precious Metals $ 0
CVIA Covia Holdings Corp N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 63,371,040
CVVRF Vertical Exploration Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 359,348
CVWFF CVW Cleantech Inc N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
CWMZF Crown Mining Corp N/A Mining $ 1,452,197
CWNHF Crownia Holdings Ltd N/A Metal Products $ 600
CWVWD Storm Exploration Inc (New) N/A Precious Metals $ 3,106,500
CWVWF Com New/Storm Exploration Inc (New) N/A Precious Metals $ 1,087,275
CXBMF Calibre Mining Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 51,182,000
CXOXF Ord/Core Lithium Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
CXXMF CMX Gold & Silver Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 0
CYDVF Century Lithium Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 3,110,796
CYMHF Cymat Technologies Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 1,224,595
CYPMF Cyprium Metals Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
CYRWF Canyon Resources Ltd. N/A Precious Metals $ 0
CYUXF BC Moly Ltd N/A Mining $ 936,337
CZSVF Goldcore Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 137,406
CZXMF ZincX Resources Corp N/A Mining $ 8,292,600
DAIDF Daido Steel Co Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
DANR Dana Resources N/A Precious Metals $ 88
DAUGF Com No Par (New)/Desert Gold Ventures Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 253,581
DBGF Panex Resources Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 14,503
DC Dakota Gold Corp (New) N/A Precious Metals $ 211,523,200
DCHRD Discovery Harbour Resources Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 351,540
DCHRF Discovery Harbour Resources Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 498,015
DCNND Canadian Palladium Resources Inc N/A Mining $ 0
DCNPF Psyched Wellness Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 684,299
DC__.WT Wt Exp/Dakota Gold Corp (New) N/A Precious Metals $ 0
DDNFD Adamera Minerals Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 436,240
DECXD Decade Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 4,470,400
DECXF Com No Par/Decade Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 1,574,800
DEWY Dewey Electronics Corp. N/A Metal Products $ 1,708,750
DFIFF DR Gold Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 580,003
DGDCF Dynasty Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 1,109,475
DGMLF Ord/De Grey Mining Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
DGONF Dragon Mining Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
DIOSF Dios Exploration Inc. N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
DJIFD Dajin Lithium Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 9,445,525
DLCR Kibush Capital Corp N/A Mining $ 737
DLRYD Carlyle Commodities Corp N/A Mining $ 0
DLRYF Carlyle Commodities Corp N/A Mining $ 0
DMDD Diamond Discoveries International Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 448
DMEHF Desert Mountain Energy Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 5,139,720
DMIFF Diamcor Mining Inc N/A Mining $ 6,258
DMNKF DNI Metals Inc N/A Mining $ 7
DMNXF Sayona Mining Ltd. N/A Mining $ 0
DNCUD Alta Copper Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 12,553,650
DNCUF Alta Copper Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 11,224,440
DNCVF Defiance Silver Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 2,131,681
DNDDD Dundee Sustainable Technologies Inc N/A Metal Products $ 1,584,148
DNGDF Dynacor Group Inc 2.40% Precious Metals $ 149,672,040
DNN Denison Mines Corp N/A Mining $ 1,078,353,120
DNRSD Denarius Metal Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 108,950
DNRSF Denarius Metal Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 129,582
DOCKD Beyond Medical Technologies N/A Precious Metals $ 4
DOCKF Beyond Medical Technologies N/A Precious Metals $ 79,020
DOLLF Dolly Varden Silver Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 12,751,762
DONFF Sphinx Resources Ltd N/A Mining $ 53,491
DPMLF Dundee Precious Metals Inc 1.73% Precious Metals $ 1,156,749,750
DPTLF Department 13 International Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
DRD ADR (Sponsored) Repstg 10 Shs/DRD Gold Ltd 1.79% Precious Metals $ 170,219,280
DRDGF Ord/DRD Gold Ltd 2.21% Precious Metals $ 861,995,233
DRDNF Dreadnought Resources Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
DRIFF Xiana Mining Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 45
DRRLF Diatreme Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
DRRSF Arianne Phosphate Inc N/A Mining $ 8,315,678
DRVYF Discovery Alaska Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
DSCR Discovery Minerals Ltd. N/A Precious Metals $ 45
DSCVF Discovery-Corp Enterprise Inc. N/A Precious Metals $ 118,138
DTARF Delta Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 427,791
DTEMF Ditem Exploration Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 7
DTRCD Dakota Territory Resource Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 214,541,800
DTREF Dateline Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
DTWOF D2 Lithium Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 530,069
DUKMF Duketon Mining Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
DUVNF Peruvian Metals Corp N/A Mining $ 365,379
DWMNF Ord (New)/Dowa Holdings Co Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
DYCWF Dynasty Ceramic Public Co., Ltd. N/A Metal Products $ 0
DYLLF Ord (New)/Deep Yellow Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
DYMEF DionyMed Brands Inc N/A Mining $ 63,707
DYNR DynaResource Inc N/A Mining $ 26,190,920
EAF GrafTech International Ltd N/A Metal Products $ 522,049,010
EAIAF Baru Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 1,792,460
ECGFF EcoGraf Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
ECMLF Ecometals Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 10
ECMXF Universal Copper Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 153,408
ECNRF Worldwide Resources Corp N/A Mining $ 79,834
ECORF Elcora Advanced Materials Corp N/A Mining $ 184,647
ECPN El Capitan Precious Metals Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 43,776
ECRAF Ord/Ecora Resources plc 9.79% Non-Precious Metals $ 94,941,360
ECRFF Cartier Resources Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 1,271,000
ECRTF ATEX Resources Inc N/A Metal Products $ 3,564,939
EDDYD Edison Lithium Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 1,557,755
EDDYF Edison Lithium Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 1,055,300
EDWZF Edgewater Exploration Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 2,244,528
EEMMF E3 Lithium Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 41,632,847
EFRGD Pasofino Gold Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 27,714,771
EFRGF Pasofino Gold Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 12,826,932
EFRMF East Africa Metals Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 11,685,330
EGDFF Energold Drilling Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 21
EGI Entree Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 32,286,853
EGMCD Emergent Metals Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 1,972,567
EGMCF Emergent Metals Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 913,768
EGMLD Engineer Gold Mines Ltd N/A Mining $ 31,321
EGMLF Engineer Gold Mines Ltd N/A Mining $ 704,727
EGMMF Eagle Mountain Mining Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
EGO Eldorado Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 2,287,339,320
EGPLF Eagle Plains Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 525,350
EGRAF Energy Resources of Australia Ltd. (Australia) N/A Mining $ 0
EGRAY Energy Resources of Australia Ltd. (Australia) N/A Mining $ 0
ELBM Electra Baterry Materials Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 14,314,000
ELBMD Electra Baterry Materials Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 145,289,250
ELCGF Electra Stone Ltd N/A Mining $ 39
ELDCF Electrum Discovery Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 78,296
ELEMF Elemental Altus Royalties Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 123,409,266
ELKEF Ord/Elkem ASA (New) N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
ELMGD Element79 Gold Corp N/A Mining $ 0
ELMGF Element79 Gold Corp N/A Mining $ 0
ELNOD MetalQuest Mining Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 386,159
ELOAF Emergence Global Enterprises Inc N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 17
ELRFF Eastern Platinum Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 9,263,336
ELRRF Com No Par/Eloro Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 4,047,888
ELTLF Elementos Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
ELVUF Ord/Elevate Uranium Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
EMGDF Eminent Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 2,881,500
EMHXY European Metals Holdings Ltd N/A Metal Products $ 0
EMLL El Maniel International Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 2,892
EMMRF Emmerson Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
EMOTF Emerita Resources Corp N/A Metal Products $ 4,135,110
EMPPF EMP Metals Corp N/A Mining $ 5,286,750
EMPYF Empress Royalty Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 17,405,131
EMRRF Orogen Royalties Inc N/A Mining $ 6,724,081
EMSKF Musk Metals Corp N/A Mining $ 0
EMX EMX Royalty Corp N/A Mining $ 141,734,250
ENCUD Encore Energy Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 272,808,700
ENCUF Encore Energy Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 295,363,750
ENDGF Endurance Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 0
ENDMD Enduro Metals Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 0
ENDMF Enduro Metals Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 0
ENRT Enertopia Corp N/A Mining $ 1,629,243
ENTBD Entheon Biomedical Corp N/A Mining $ 433,385
ENTBF Entheon Biomedical Corp N/A Mining $ 502,654
EOGSF Ord/Emerald Resources NL N/A Precious Metals $ 0
EOPAD Europa Metals Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
EORBF Orbite Technologies Inc N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 210
EPWMD Prime Mining Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 17,398,288
EPWMF Prime Mining Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 66,830,586
EQMEF Equity Metals Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 1,586,508
EQTRF Altamira Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 3,114,126
EQTXF Lake Winn Resources Corp N/A Mining $ 891
EQX Com No Par/Equinox Gold Corp (New) N/A Precious Metals $ 626,305,680
EQXFD Equinox Gold Corp (New) N/A Mining $ 678,403,440
EQXLF Equatorial Resources Ltd. N/A Mining $ 0
ERDCF Erdene Resource Development Corp N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 36,125,200
ERELY ADR/Eregli Demir Ve Celik Fabrikalari Turk Anonim Sirketi 0.70% Metal Products $ 0
EREPF Zonte Metals Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 1,106,365
ERGTF Antilles Gold Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
ERLFF Entree Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 290,613,740
ERMAF Ord/Eramet 3.04% Non-Precious Metals $ 0
ERMAY ADR/Eramet 2.81% Non-Precious Metals $ 0
ERO Ero Copper Corp N/A Mining $ 0
EROMF Euro Manganese Inc N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
EROSF Eros Resources Corp N/A Mining $ 1,441,094
ERPNF Chess Dep Int 1: 1:1/European Metals Holdings Ltd N/A Metal Products $ 0
ERRCD Westkam Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 67,520
ERRCF Westkam Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 123,224
ERRSF Euro Ressources SA N/A Precious Metals $ 0
ERVFF Boron One Holdings Inc N/A Mining $ 507,612
ESGFF Ora Banda Mining Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
ESGI enSurge Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 77
ESKYF Eskay Mining Corp N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 9,927,787
ESVNF Serra Energy Metals Corp N/A Mining $ 85,957
ETFLF Eastfield Resources Ltd. N/A Precious Metals $ 1,163,955
ETPHF AgriMinco Corp N/A Mining $ 165
ETRUF Etruscus Resources Corp N/A Mining $ 0
EU Encore Energy Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 345,844,100
EUEMF European Energy Metals Corp N/A Mining $ 0
EULIF Ord/European Lithium Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
EUMNF Euro Manganese Inc N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
EUUND Azarga Metals Corp N/A Mining $ 51,336
EUUNF Azarga Metals Corp N/A Mining $ 17,562
EVA Enviva Inc N/A Mining $ 31,428,327
EVGDF Elevation Gold Mining Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 3,693,167
EVKRF Grid Battery Metals Inc N/A Mining $ 81,589
EVLLF EnviroMetal Technologies Inc N/A Mining $ 0
EVNIF EV Nickel Inc N/A Mining $ 0
EVRRD Molecule Holdings Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 224,552
EVRZF Evraz PLC N/A Metal Products $ 0
EVVAQ Enviva Inc N/A Mining $ 7,487
EVXXD European Electric Metals Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 1,899,535
EVXXF European Electric Metals Inc N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 1,909,080
EXK Endeavour Silver Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 402,881,920
EXLA EXLA Resources Inc N/A Mining $ 10,600
EXLLD Excellon Resources Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 37,327,290
EXMGF Gunnison Copper Corp N/A Mining $ 423,906
EXN Com No Par/Excellon Resources Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 3,248,245
EXNRF Com No Par/Excellon Resources Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 738,838
EXPXF Raffles Financial Group Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
EXXAF Ord/Exxaro Resources Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
FANCF First Atlantic Nickel Corp N/A Mining $ 893,250
FAUMF First American Uranium Inc N/A Mining $ 0
FBAYF Inc N/A Mining $ 90,091,184
FBMCF Buffalo Coal Corp N/A Mining $ 146,122
FBSGD Fabled Silver Gold Corp N/A Mining $ 3,393,259
FBSGF Fabled Silver Gold Corp N/A Mining $ 43
FCGD First Colombia Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 241,894
FCREY ADR (Sponsored New)/Fletcher Building Ltd. N/A Metal Products $ 0
FCSUF Ord (New)/Focus Minerals Ltd. N/A Precious Metals $ 0
FCUUF Fission Uranium Corp N/A Mining $ 200,594,518
FCX Freeport-McMoRan Inc 1.44% Mining $ 59,761,835,520
FDCFF Forum Energy Metals Corp N/A Mining $ 453,775
FDGMD Southstone Minerals Ltd N/A Mining $ 744,650
FDGMF Southstone Minerals Ltd N/A Mining $ 44,679
FDVXF FenixOro Gold Corp N/A Mining $ 1,874,460
FEAM 5E Advanced Materials Inc N/A Mining $ 29,619,690
FEERD Freeport Resources Inc. N/A Metal Products $ 792,693
FEERF Freeport Resources Inc. N/A Metal Products $ 95,258
FEEXF Ord/Ferrexpo PLC N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
FEEXY Ferrexpo PLC N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
FEIOF Feintool International Holding AG N/A Metal Products $ 0
FEMFD FE Battery Metals Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 5,916,528
FEMFF FE Battery Metals Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 586,440
FEOVF Oceanic Iron Ore Corp. N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 2,005,524
FEXXF Fjordland Exploration Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 83,024
FFMGF First Mining Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 28,993,733
FGFT FG Fitness & Media Group Inc N/A Mining $ 0
FGLDF Falcon Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 195,654
FGOVF Freegold Ventures Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 20,079,340
FIEIF Nordic Gold Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 180,840
FIRZF AIML Resources Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 4,790,121
FISOF Fission 3.0 Corp N/A Mining $ 14,128,575
FKMCF Fokus Mining Corp N/A Mining $ 1,182,671
FLDPF Frontline Gold Corp. N/A Precious Metals $ 27,001
FLMMF Filo Corp N/A Mining $ 0
FLMTF Full Metal Minerals Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 30,248
FLMZF Aftermath Silver Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 2,229,425
FLNDF Flinders Mines Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
FLOD Flowery Gold Mines Co. (NV) N/A Mining $ 0
FLYNF Flying Nickel Mining Corp (New) N/A Mining $ 0
FMANF Freeman Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 0
FMCXF Foran Mining Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 88,802,440
FMELF Future Metals NL N/A Precious Metals $ 0
FMGDF Fairmile Goldtech Inc. N/A Precious Metals $ 1,463
FMGXF QCX Gold Corp N/A Mining $ 868,047
FMNJ Franklin Mining Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 2
FMSTW Wt Pur Com Exp/Foremost Lithium Resource & Technology Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
FMXVF Amilot Capital Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 472,588
FNAUF Four Nines Gold Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 0
FNCJF Fancamp Exploration Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 400,650
FNICF Fathom Nickel Inc N/A Mining $ 0
FNKLF First Nickel Inc N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 457
FNLPF Ord/Fresnillo Plc N/A Precious Metals $ 0
FNMCF First Nordic Metals Corp N/A Mining $ 0
FNNZD FinCanna Capital Corp (New) N/A Mining $ 0
FNV Franco-Nevada Corp 1.21% Precious Metals $ 22,623,454,260
FOGCD Avisa Diagnostics Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 40,353
FOSUF Ord/Fosun International Ltd 0.87% Non-Precious Metals $ 0
FOSUY ADR/Fosun International Ltd 0.77% Non-Precious Metals $ 0
FOSYF Forsys Metals Corp N/A Mining $ 36,154,656
FPOCF FPX Nickel Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 20,839,104
FPRGF Falco Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 44,098,665
FPVTD Golden Pursuit Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 1,156,490
FPVTF Golden Pursuit Resources Ltd N/A Metal Products $ 821,413
FQVLF First Quantum Minerals Ltd. N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 6,482,579,100
FRCEF Ord/Fletcher Building Ltd. N/A Metal Products $ 0
FRD Friedman Industries, Inc. 0.89% Non-Precious Metals $ 109,869,590
FRERD Fremont Gold Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 1,341,290
FRERF Fremont Gold Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 1,183,491
FRGGF Forge Res Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 0
FRHYF Frontier Energy Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
FRMA Firma Holdings Corp N/A Mining $ 119
FRPMD Forty Pillars Mining Corp N/A Mining $ 0
FRRSD Foremost Lithium Resource & Technology Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
FRRSF Foremost Lithium Resource & Technology Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
FRSAF First Au Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
FSHYF Shougang Fushan Resources Group Ltd. N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
FSM Fortuna Mining Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 604,015,110
FSTR Cl A Com/Foster (L.B.) Co N/A Metal Products $ 313,680,040
FSTTF First Tellurium Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 284,621
FSUMF Ord/Fortescue Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
FSVEF Firestone Ventures Inc N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 84,314
FTBYF Fortune Bay Corp (New) N/A Mining $ 0
FTCO Fortitude Gold Corp 8.99% Precious Metals $ 129,083,820
FTMDF Fortune Minerals Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 4,031,434
FTMNF Lundin Gold Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 77,625,450
FTZFF Fitzroy Minerals Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 0
FUJXF Fujimi Inc. N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
FURY Fury Gold Mines Ltd N/A Mining $ 17,479,400
FUSED Fuse Battery Metals Inc N/A Mining $ 155,760
FUSEF Fuse Battery Metals Inc N/A Mining $ 137,381
FUST Fuse Group Holding Inc N/A Mining $ 23,269,750
FUSTD Fuse Group Holding Inc N/A Mining $ 24,925,227
FUTS Future Science Holdings Inc N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 96
FUUFF F3 Uranium Corp N/A Mining $ 9,708,585
FUWAF Furukawa Electric Co Ltd 0.98% Metal Products $ 24,936,854,000
FUWAY ADR/Furukawa Electric Co Ltd 0.87% Metal Products $ 0
FVANF Phenom Resources Corp N/A Mining $ 7,272,655
FVGCD Yumy Bear Goods Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 2,371,500
FWEDF Fireweed Metals Corp N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 89,648,039
FXRVF Fox River Resources Corp N/A Mining $ 0
FYIRF FYI Resources Ltd. N/A Mining $ 0
FYMNF Finlay Minerals Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 781,542
GALKD Galantas Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 9,266,717
GALKF Com No Par/Galantas Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 1,205,611
GALOF Galore Resources Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 157,077
GANDD Gander Gold Corp N/A Mining $ 0
GARLD Axcap Ventures Inc N/A Metal Products $ 0
GARLF Axcap Ventures Inc N/A Metal Products $ 0
GARWF Golden Arrow Resources Corp (New) N/A Precious Metals $ 142,019
GATGD Gatling Exploration Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 0
GATO Gatos Silver Inc N/A Mining $ 1,059,386,790
GAU Galiano Gold Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 299,381,670
GAYMD Galway Metals Inc N/A Mining $ 31,979,108
GAYMF Com No Par/Galway Metals Inc N/A Mining $ 23,708,881
GBARF Monarch Mining Corp N/A Mining $ 205,208
GBBFF Granada Gold Mine Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 1,176,413
GBBGF Global Li-Ion Graphite Corp N/A Mining $ 0
GBGD Com Par $0.0001/Global Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 197,372
GBLED Global Energy Metals Corp N/A Mining $ 0
GBLEF Com No Par/Global Energy Metals Corp N/A Mining $ 153,345
GBLHF Global Hunter Corp N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 14
GBMCF Green Bridge Metals Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 0
GBMID Green Battery Minerals Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 3,742
GBMIF Green Battery Minerals Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 6,280
GBMRF GBM Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
GBRCD Gold Bull Resources Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 481,985
GBRIF Golden Band Resources Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 2
GBRMF Golden Briar Mines Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 1,461
GCFFF Goldcliff Resource Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 171,390
GCRCD Golcap Resources Corp N/A Mining $ 0
GCRCF Golcap Resources Corp N/A Mining $ 0
GCRIF Rogue Resources Inc N/A Metal Products $ 443,250
GCXXF Granite Creek Copper Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 33,013
GDC GD Culture Group Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 23,115,690
GDLLF Ord Shs/Geodrill Ltd 1.73% Mining $ 77,731,080
GDLNF Ord Fully Paid/Energy Transition Minerals Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
GDMID Goldstar Minerals Inc N/A Mining $ 718,817
GDMIF Green Mining Innovation Inc N/A Mining $ 1,352,230
GDPEF Resource Capital Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 24
GDPHF Godolphin Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
GDQMF GoldQuest Mining Corp N/A Mining $ 5,799,178
GDRZF Cl A (New)/Gold Reserve Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 117,728,380
GDSKF Nevada Zinc Corp N/A Mining $ 108,500
GDXRF Com No Par/Goldex Resources Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 26,780
GEMIF Gem International Resources Inc. N/A Precious Metals $ 12,040
GENMF Generation Mining Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 15,073,443
GEODF Ord Shs/Geodrill Ltd N/A Mining $ 92,215,396
GERFF Glen Eagle Resources Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 25,460
GESI General European Strategic Investments Inc N/A Mining $ 0
GFGSF GFG Resources Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 9,853,939
GFI ADR (Sponsored)/Gold Fields Ltd. 2.19% Precious Metals $ 7,855,875,140
GFIOF Ord/Gold Fields Ltd. 2.73% Precious Metals $ 12,764,176,300
GFKRF Opus One Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 97,660
GFTRF Gold N Futures Mineral Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 0
GGAZD Goldgroup Mining Inc. N/A Precious Metals $ 1,109,538
GGAZF Goldgroup Mining Inc. N/A Precious Metals $ 848,047
GGB ADR (Sponsored)/Gerdau S.A. 4.39% Non-Precious Metals $ 4,195,616,740
GGGOD Golconda Gold Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 17,105,520
GGGOF Golconda Gold Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 12,673,052
GGIFF Garibaldi Resources Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 654,813
GGISD Genesis Metals Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 1,229,738
GGLXF Com No Par/GGL Resources Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 86,583
GGPXF G Resources Group Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
GGSM Gold & Gemstone Mining Inc N/A Mining $ 362,778
GGTHD Golden Goliath Resources Ltd. N/A Precious Metals $ 2,014,386
GGTHF Golden Goliath Resources Ltd. N/A Precious Metals $ 436,960
GGXXF GGX Gold Corp N/A Mining $ 186,439
GHVND GoldHaven Resource Corp N/A Mining $ 83,758
GHVNF GoldHaven Resource Corp N/A Mining $ 49,099
GIBBF Gibb River Diamonds Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
GIFI Gulf Island Fabrication, Inc. N/A Metal Products $ 116,602,960
GIGGF Giga Metals Corp N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 5,908,980
GILXD Gitennes Exploration Inc. N/A Precious Metals $ 5,242
GILXF Gitennes Exploration Inc. N/A Precious Metals $ 156,479
GIPIF Green Impact Partners Inc N/A Mining $ 57,325
GJST GEO JS Technology Group Corp N/A Mining $ 614,940
GKIN Guskin Gold Corp N/A Mining $ 48
GLATF Global Atomic Corp N/A Mining $ 64,122,593
GLBKF Goldbank Mining Corp. N/A Precious Metals $ 1,911,358
GLBXF Globex Mining Enterprises Inc N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
GLCNF Ord/Glencore PLC 2.75% Mining $ 0
GLDG GoldMining Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 29,645,532
GLDN Gold Dynamics Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 14,885
GLDRF Champion Electric Metals Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 4,171,560
GLGDF GoGold Resources Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 32,529,015
GLHRF Golden Harp Resources Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 237,422
GLIID Glacier Lake Resources Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 323,506
GLIIF Glacier Lake Resources Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 73,150
GLIOF Panther Minerals Inc N/A Mining $ 0
GLKIF Great Lakes Graphite Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 43
GLLK Gold Lakes Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 19,380
GLNCY ADR/Glencore PLC 2.38% Mining $ 0
GLNLF Ord Fully Paid/Galan Lithium Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
GLNS Golden Star Resource Corp N/A Mining $ 8,130,500
GLWLF Glow LifeTech Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 0
GLYXF Great Silver Mining Ltd N/A Mining $ 5,348,789
GMDMF Ord/Gem Diamonds Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
GMINF G Mining Ventures Corp N/A Mining $ 0
GMNFF GobiMin Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 65,012,232
GMOL General Moly Inc N/A Mining $ 4,587,990
GMRSF GME Resources Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
GMVMF Com No Par/GMV Minerals, Inc. N/A Precious Metals $ 628,690
GNENF Shs H/Ganfeng Lithium Group Co Ltd 4.12% Metal Products $ 0
GNENY ADR/Ganfeng Lithium Group Co Ltd 2.86% Metal Products $ 0
GNGXF Inventus Mining Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 2,193,488
GNHRF Arian Resources Corp. N/A Precious Metals $ 6
GNSMF Genius Metals Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 0
GNTOF Gentor Resources Inc (New) N/A Mining $ 1,108,850
GNYPD Masivo Silver Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 3,373,678
GNYPF Masivo Silver Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 357,084
GOCOD Go Metals Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 0
GOCOF Go Metals Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 0
GODYF Deer Horn Capital Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 226,586
GODZF Goldhills Holding Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 193,851
GOLD Barrick Gold Corp. 2.38% Precious Metals $ 29,833,615,060
GOLHF Delta Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 1,315,810
GOLXF Golden Lake Exploration Inc N/A Mining $ 0
GOMRF Geomega Resources Inc. N/A Mining $ 905,920
GORAF Goldrea Resources Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 82,918
GORO Gold Resource Corp N/A Mining $ 16,824,788
GPACF Geopacific Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
GPHOF Graphite One Inc N/A Metal Products $ 17,016,942
GPMTF GPM Metals Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 3,648,745
GPOTF Gold Port Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 0
GPTC Golden Patriot Corp N/A Mining $ 113
GPTRF Grande Portage Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 1,035,550
GPXM Golden Phoenix Minerals, Inc. N/A Precious Metals $ 462
GQMLF Great Quest Gold Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 978,380
GRCAF Gold Springs Resource Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 0
GRCMF Green Shift Commodities Ltd N/A Mining $ 1,567,943
GRDAF Grounded Lithium Corp N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 75,355
GRJVF Surge Copper Corp N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 1,157,450
GRLGF Ord/Greatland Gold PLC N/A Precious Metals $ 0
GRLRF Greenland Resources Inc N/A Mining $ 0
GRMC Goldrich Mining Co N/A Precious Metals $ 39,312
GRO Brazil Potash Corp N/A Mining $ 19,400,000
GROY Gold Royalty Corp (Canada) N/A Precious Metals $ 48,531,250
GRRLF Grange Resources Ltd. (Australia) N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
GRSLF GR Silver Mining Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 3,993,132
GRXMF Marvel Gold Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
GRXXF Critical Reagent Processing Corp N/A Mining $ 0
GRYCD Graycliff Exploration Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 153,560
GRYCF Graycliff Exploration Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 96,743
GRYRF Ord/Geo Energy Resources Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
GSDC Goldsands Development Co. N/A Precious Metals $ 190
GSEBF Grupo Simec S.A.B. de C.V. N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 3,723,361,937
GSHRF Goldshore Resources Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 17,551,625
GSIH General Steel Holdings Inc N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 4,601
GSKKF Abitibi Metals Corp N/A Mining $ 0
GSM Ord/Ferroglobe PLC 0.94% Metal Products $ 705,551,490
GSMGF Ord Fully Paid/Indiana Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
GSPRF Golden Spike Resources Corp N/A Mining $ 0
GSRFF Golden Shield Resources Inc N/A Mining $ 0
GSSIF Genesis Metals Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 1,024,533
GSSRF Gossan Resources Ltd. N/A Metal Products $ 119,960
GSTX Graphene & Solar Technologies Ltd N/A Mining $ 3,335,152
GSUXF Pan Amern Energy Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 52,219,600
GSVRF Guanajuato Silver Co Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 4,460,396
GTBDF Great Bear Resources Ltd N/A Mining $ 58,768,710
GTCDF Getty Copper Inc N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 4,240,378
GTGED G2 Technologies Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 0
GTGEF G2 Energy Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 2,468
GTREF Live Energy Minerals Corp N/A Mining $ 0
GUGNF GDH Guangnan (Holdings) Ltd N/A Metal Products $ 0
GUYGF G2 Goldfields Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 100,491,036
GVXXF Cl A Com/GoviEx Uranium Inc N/A Mining $ 0
GWMGF Great Western Minerals Group Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 242
GWRRD Engold Mines Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 5,771,384
GWRRF Engold Mines Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 282,282
GWSAF Gowest Gold Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 4,354,271
GXMLF Intercontinental Gold & Metals Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 110
GXSFD Goldsource Mines Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 47,025,000
GXSFF Goldsource Mines Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 26,448,950
GXXFF Gold Basin Resources Corp N/A Mining $ 0
GYNAD Guyana Goldstrike Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 1,285,900
GYNAF Guyana Goldstrike Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 993,650
GYPHQ Gryphon Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 195
GYRRF Silver Wolf Exploration Inc N/A Mining $ 2,685,830
GYSLF Eco Oro Minerals Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 690,670
GYST Cl A Par $0.0001 (New)/Graystone Co, Inc. N/A Precious Metals $ 357
GYYSF Spartan Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
GZDIF Grizzly Discoveries Inc. N/A Precious Metals $ 0
HAMRF Silver Hammer Mining Corp N/A Metal Products $ 0
HANNF Hannan Metals Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 5,577,190
HAVRF Havilah Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
HAYW Hayward Holdings Inc N/A Metal Products $ 3,500,656,250
HBEID Honey Badger Silver Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 4,206,796
HBEIF Honey Badger Silver Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 2,609,180
HBEXF Royal Fox Gold Inc N/A Mining $ 1,735,867
HBKRF Highbank Resources Ltd N/A Mining $ 4,718
HBM Hudbay Minerals Inc 0.17% Precious Metals $ 2,037,109,120
HCC Warrior Met Coal Inc 1.33% Mining $ 3,221,896,080
HCHDF Ord/Hochschild Mining PLC, London N/A Precious Metals $ 0
HCHDY Hochschild Mining PLC, London N/A Precious Metals $ 0
HDRSF Highland Copper Co Inc N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 3,387,614
HECOF Global Helium Corp N/A Mining $ 0
HEGLF Ord Fully Paid/Peak Minerals Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
HELOD Winshear Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 208,980
HELOF Winshear Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 487,620
HGGCF Highway 50 Gold Corp N/A Mining $ 2,161,060
HGGOF HighGold Mining Inc N/A Mining $ 0
HGLD Patagonia Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 5,082,420
HGLI Hongli Clean Energy Technologies Corp N/A Mining $ 239,900
HGMCF Ord/Harmony Gold Mining Co. Ltd. 1.38% Precious Metals $ 465,918,000
HHHED 37 Capital Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 297,636
HHHEF 37 Capital Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 130,581
HHNNF Hannans Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
HHPHF Mojave Brands Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 0
HHSRF Hi Ho Silver Resources Inc N/A Mining $ 1
HIIDQ Hidili Industry International Development Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
HIIDY Hidili Industry International Development Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
HL Hecla Mining Co 0.74% Mining $ 3,439,881,000
HLGVF Hillgrove Resources Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
HLKMF Frontier Lithium N/A Precious Metals $ 35,011,558
HLSCF Highlander Silver Corp N/A Mining $ 0
HL__PB $3.50 Pfd Ser B Conv/Hecla Mining Co 6.55% Mining $ 40,240,395
HMIFF Harvest Minerals Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
HMRFF Homerun Resources Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 13,006,410
HMRRF Hammer Metals Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
HMTLF Ord/Hitachi Metals, Ltd. N/A Metal Products $ 0
HMY ADR (Sponsored)/Harmony Gold Mining Co. Ltd. 1.17% Precious Metals $ 1,512,550,000
HNCKF Giga Metals Corp N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 13,084,170
HNCUF Horizon Copper Corp N/A Mining $ 6,906,000
HNDI Handeni Gold Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 214
HNDNF Hindalco Industries Ltd. N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 131,953,500
HNRG Hallador Energy Co N/A Mining $ 528,024,630
HNTM HuntMountain Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 76
HNWAF Hanwa Co Ltd (Japan) N/A Metal Products $ 0
HPQFF HPQ Silicon Inc N/A Mining $ 23,686,277
HPYCF Happy Creek Minerals Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 104,136
HREEF Stans Energy Corp N/A Mining $ 0
HRLDF Heron Resources Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
HSEN Honsen Energy & Resources International Ltd N/A Mining $ 75,000
HSHL Home Solutions Health Inc N/A Mining $ 0
HSHPF Hill & Smith Holdings PLC N/A Metal Products $ 0
HSRMF Ord (New)/Hastings Technology Metals Ltd N/A Metal Products $ 0
HSTXF Heliostar Metals Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 13,501,391
HTRRF Heatherdale Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 7,771,920
HUDRF Anortech Inc N/A Mining $ 0
HUMRF Ord/Hummingbird Resources PLC N/A Precious Metals $ 0
HUSID Nicola Mining Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 7,456,240
HUSIF Nicola Mining Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 9,116,765
HVGDD Harvest Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 49,628
HVGDF Com No Par/Harvest Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 15,705
HWAUF Headwater Gold Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 0
HWKDF Hawkeye Gold & Diamond Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 406,098
HWKMF Arizona Lithium Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
HWKRF Earthwise Minerals Corp N/A Mining $ 0
HWM Howmet Aerospace Inc 0.23% Non-Precious Metals $ 46,082,185,230
HWM_P Pfd/Howmet Aerospace Inc 6.05% Non-Precious Metals $ 34,601,580
HWTHF Wildsky Resources Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 113,925
HYII All Grade Mining Inc N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 8
HYMC Cl A (New)/Hycroft Mining Holding Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 55,201,420
HYMCL Wt Pur Cl A Com Exp 10/06/2025/Hycroft Mining Holding Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 0
HYMCW Wt Exp 02/12/2025/Hycroft Mining Holding Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 0
HYMWW Hycroft Mining Holding Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 0
HZMMD Horizonte Minerals Plc N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
HZMMF Ord (New)/Horizonte Minerals Plc N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
HZNM Horizon Minerals Corp N/A Mining $ 97
IAALF Com No Par/IBC Advanced Alloys Corp N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 550,285
IAG IAMGold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 2,100,841,440
IAUFF Ord/AIC Mines Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 116,657,313
IAUX i-80 Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 0
IBATF International Battery Metals Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 2,249,200
IBKKD iMining Technologies Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 2,702,819
IBKKF iMining Technologies Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 33
ICHBF Industrias Ch, SAB de C.V. N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
ICLTF GreenFirst Forest Products Inc N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 182,620
ICSCF Nubian Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 2,324,954
IDAM Idorado Mining Co. N/A Mining $ 0
IDR Idaho Strategic Resources Inc N/A Mining $ 162,156,070
IE Ivanhoe Electric Inc N/A Mining $ 927,511,200
IEGCF Independence Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 6,806,048
IFAM Infrastructure Materials Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 138
IGFFF Infinito Gold Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 121
IGSTF InsuraGuest Technologies Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 799,976
IHLHF International Bethlehem Mining Corp N/A Mining $ 449,310
IIDDY ADR (Sponsored)/IGO Ltd 6.48% Mining $ 0
IIIN Insteel Industries, Inc. 3.78% Non-Precious Metals $ 575,973,720
ILHMF International Lithium Corp N/A Mining $ 717,003
ILKAF Ord/Iluka Resources Ltd 1.70% Non-Precious Metals $ 0
ILKAY ADR/Iluka Resources Ltd 1.37% Non-Precious Metals $ 0
ILST International Star Inc. N/A Mining $ 279,786
IMGL Image International Group Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 56,530
IMII Inception Mining Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 1,462,859
IMIMD Interra Copper Corp N/A Mining $ 0
IMIMF Interra Copper Corp N/A Mining $ 0
IMPUF Ord (New)/Impala Platinum Holdings Ltd. N/A Precious Metals $ 0
IMPUY ADR (Sponsored) Repstg 1/2 Sh/Impala Platinum Holdings Ltd. N/A Precious Metals $ 2,821,392,000
IMRFD iMetal Resources Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 468,131
IMRFF Com No Par (New)/iMetal Resources Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 161,046
IMTCD Intrepid Metals Corp N/A Mining $ 235,940
IMTCF Intrepid Metals Corp N/A Mining $ 131,775
IMTFF Marvel Discovery Corp N/A Mining $ 1,855,101
IMYCF Inner Mongolia Yitai Coal Co., Ltd. N/A Mining $ 0
INCAD Inca One Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 178,092
INCAF Com No Par/Inca One Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 58,200
INMNF Inca Minerals Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
INTWF Sharc International Systems Inc N/A Mining $ 0
IONGF Lithium Ion Energy Ltd N/A Mining $ 1,449,000
IONR Sponsored ADS/Ioneer Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
IPMLF Imperial Metals Corp N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 103,141,946
IPOAF Ord/Industrias Penoles SAB de CV N/A Precious Metals $ 0
IPPTF Impact Minerals Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
IPX Sponsored ADS/Iperionx Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
IRCKF Inter-Rock Minerals Inc (Canada) N/A Precious Metals $ 11,700,340
IRCWF IRC Ltd. N/A Mining $ 0
IRNRF Iron Road Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
IRVDF Ironveld PLC N/A Mining $ 0
IRVRF Irving Resources Inc N/A Mining $ 0
ISCNF Isracann Biosciences Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 0
ISENF IsoEnergy Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
ISGIF InsuraGuest Technologies Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 123,462
ISLV International Silver Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 152
ISSFD International Samuel Exploration Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 457,068
ISVLF Impact Silver Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 3,290,041
ITAYY ADR/PT Indo Tambangraya Megah 8.25% Mining $ 0
ITRG Com No Par/Integra Resources Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 17,979,347
IVPAF Com Cl A/Ivanhoe Mines Ltd. N/A Mining $ 3,103,579,500
IXIXF Indigo Exploration Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 90,544
IXRRF Ionic Rare Earths Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
IZCFF International Zeolite Corp N/A Mining $ 308,516
JAGGD Com No Par/Jaguar Mining Inc 1.07% Precious Metals $ 63,554,920
JAGGF Com No Par/Jaguar Mining Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 20,055,355
JAMGF Tuktu Resources Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 603,720
JBDI Ord Shs/JBDI Holdings Ltd N/A Metal Products $ 0
JBI Janus International Group Inc N/A Metal Products $ 1,150,950,240
JBULF Jubilee Gold Exploration Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
JCTC Jewett-Cameron Trading Co. Ltd. N/A Metal Products $ 16,445,811
JCTCF Jewett-Cameron Trading Co. Ltd. N/A Metal Products $ 17,139,450
JDNRF Jayden Resources Inc (New) N/A Precious Metals $ 1,064,804
JFEEF JFE Holdings Inc N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 7,297,233,280
JGLDF Japan Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 2,742,781
JGRRF Jinchuan Group International Resources Co Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
JIAXF Shs H/Jiangxi Copper Co., Ltd. N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
JINFF China Gold International Resources Corp, Ltd. N/A Precious Metals $ 1,984,781,640
JIXAY ADR (Sponsored)/Jiangxi Copper Co., Ltd. 0.82% Non-Precious Metals $ 0
JLRRF South Atlantic Gold Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 192,400
JMXXF Ord Fully Paid/Jupiter Mines Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
JNCCD Metalite Resources Inc N/A Mining $ 90,720
JNCCF Metalite Resources Inc N/A Mining $ 30,240
JNDAF Ord/Jindalee Resources Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
JRVMF Ord/Jervois Global Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 4,067,884
JSHG Joshua Gold Resources Inc (New) N/A Precious Metals $ 1,555,060
JUBPF Ord/Jubilee Metals Group Plc N/A Precious Metals $ 0
JUGRD Juggernaut Exploration Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 52,181
JUGRF Juggernaut Exploration Ltd N/A Mining $ 14,636
JUPGF Ord/Jupiter Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 4,370,450
JXMNF Jaxon Mining Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 64
JZRIF JZR Gold Inc N/A Mining $ 4,470,750
KAIFF Ord/Kairos Minerals Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
KALG KAL Energy Inc N/A Mining $ 189
KALU Kaiser Aluminum Corp. 4.04% Non-Precious Metals $ 1,226,870,880
KANAF G Mining Ventures Corp N/A Mining $ 0
KASBF Kasbah Resources Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
KBDCF Kingboard Holdings Ltd N/A Metal Products $ 0
KBDCY ADR/Kingboard Holdings Ltd 5.31% Metal Products $ 0
KBGCF Lion Rock Resources Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 1,750,899
KBSTF Ord (New)/Kobe Steel Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
KCCFF Kutcho Copper Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 1,169,453
KDKCF Com Cl B/Kodiak Copper Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 15,119
KDKGF Com No Par/Klondike Gold Corp. N/A Precious Metals $ 554,183
KFFLF KEFI Gold and Copper plc N/A Precious Metals $ 0
KGC Kinross Gold Corp. 1.23% Precious Metals $ 12,249,293,820
KGHPF KGHM Polska Miedz S.A. N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
KGHZF Pangolin Diamonds Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 46,965
KGLDD King Global Ventures Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 370,997
KGLDF King Global Ventures Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 926,713
KGOLF KGL Resources Ltd. N/A Precious Metals $ 0
KGSPY ADR/Kingspan Group Plc 0.49% Metal Products $ 0
KGSSD Kingman Minerals Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 693,500
KGSSF Kingman Minerals Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 615,135
KHRIF Cypherpunk Holdings Inc N/A Mining $ 5,406,233
KIROY ADR (Sponsored)/Kumba Iron Ore Ltd 8.80% Non-Precious Metals $ 0
KITZF Kitz Corp N/A Metal Products $ 0
KLKLF Kirkland Lake Discoveries Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 893,220
KLSVF Klondike Silver Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 102,707
KMDRD Kermode Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 1,480
KMGLF Asiamet Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 108,604
KMMIF Rua Gold Inc N/A Mining $ 0
KMRPF Ord Eur 0.001/Kenmare Resources PLC N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
KNTNF K92 Mining Inc N/A Mining $ 470,593,071
KOOYD Com Par/Kootenay Silver Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 0
KOREF Kore Mining Ltd (New) N/A Precious Metals $ 1,538,827
KOZAY ADR/Koza Altin Isletmeleri AS 1.30% Mining $ 0
KOZZF Koza Altin Isletmeleri AS N/A Mining $ 0
KRCLF King River Resources Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
KRLTF Karnalyte Resources Inc. N/A Metal Products $ 1,684,440
KRMEF Karmin Exploration Inc N/A Metal Products $ 24,988,087
KRMMF Kingsrose Mining Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
KRRGD Karora Resources Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 76,462,080
KRRGF Karora Resources Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 140,958,720
KRYXD Koryx Copper Inc N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 4,406,440
KRYXF Koryx Copper Inc N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 5,340,240
KSIOF Inc N/A Mining $ 164,170,818
KSKGF Ord/Kingsgate Consolidated Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
KSSRF Kesselrun Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 420,810
KSTBF Kestrel Gold Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 3,369,750
KTGDF K2 Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 1,211,812
KUMBF Kumba Iron Ore Ltd 10.30% Non-Precious Metals $ 0
KUYAF Kuya Silver Corp (New) N/A Mining $ 6,953,315
KVGOF Ord GBP 0.001/Kavango Resources PLC N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
KVLQF ValOre Metals Corp N/A Mining $ 10,349,168
KWGBF Sub Vtg Shs/KWG Resources Inc. N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 7,130,669
KXPLF Bayhorse Silver Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 1,653,301
KZMYF Kaz Minerals Plc N/A Mining $ 0
LAAC Lithium Americas (Argentina) Corp N/A Mining $ 0
LAC Lithium Amers Corp Cda N/A Mining $ 0
LATND Sterling Metals Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 9,418,206
LATNF Sterling Metals Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 13,896,296
LBCMD Libero Copper & Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 107,938
LBCMF Com No Par/Libero Copper & Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 63,648
LBNKF LithiumBank Resources Corp N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 7,339,495
LBRMF Labrador Iron Mines Holdings Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 2,642,850
LBSR Com Par $ 0.001/Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp N/A Mining $ 6,117,120
LBSRD Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp N/A Mining $ 10,890,000
LCKYD Luckystrike Resources Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
LCKYF Golden Sky Minerals Corp N/A Mining $ 0
LDDAD Lida Resources Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 614,538
LDDAF Lida Resources Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 512,400
LDOMF Highlander Silver Corp N/A Mining $ 0
LECRF Leocor Gold Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 0
LEMIF Leading Edge Materials Corp N/A Mining $ 2,361,628
LEU Cl A/Centrus Energy Corp N/A Mining $ 1,126,927,620
LEXG Lithium Exploration Group Inc N/A Mining $ 199,310
LGCFF Lavras Gold Corp N/A Mining $ 715,206,120
LGCXF Lahontan Gold Corp New N/A Mining $ 2,117,304
LGDOD Reconnaissance Energy Africa Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 11,727,634
LGDOF Reconnaissance Energy Africa Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 29,134,462
LGDRF G2 Goldfields Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 30,813,295
LGDTF Liberty Gold Corp (Canada) N/A Precious Metals $ 5,378,236
LGO Largo Inc N/A Mining $ 125,139,700
LGORF Largo Resources Ltd N/A Mining $ 168,697,440
LIACF American Lithium Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 34,017,000
LICY Li-Cycle Holdings Corp N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 38,080,800
LIFZF Labrador Iron Ore Royalty Corp 9.54% Non-Precious Metals $ 0
LINIF Lindian Resources Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
LINRF Ord/Liontown Resources Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
LISMF Lithium South Development Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 352,702
LITM Snow Lake Resources Ltd N/A Mining $ 2,602,188
LITOF Frontier Lithium N/A Precious Metals $ 38,236,052
LKAI LKA Gold Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 28
LKMND Lucky Minerals Inc N/A Mining $ 4,290,165
LKMNF Lucky Minerals Inc N/A Mining $ 151,402
LKYSD Numinus Wellness Inc N/A Mining $ 814,518
LLKKF Ord/Lake Resources NL (Australia) N/A Mining $ 0
LLLAF Leo Lithium Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
LLLI Lamperd Less Lethal Inc N/A Metal Products $ 336,056
LMEFF Laurion Mineral Exploration Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 9,697,800
LMGDF Lumina Gold Corp (New) N/A Precious Metals $ 0
LMLLD PharmaDrug Inc N/A Mining $ 11,318
LMLLF PharmaDrug Inc N/A Mining $ 4,326
LMNGF BioVaxys Technology Corp N/A Mining $ 5,159,391
LMRMD Lomiko Metals Inc N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 354,730
LMRMF Com No Par/Lomiko Metals Inc N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 186,700
LMRXF Laramide Resources Ltd. N/A Mining $ 32,454,205
LMSQF Latin Metals Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 1,342,705
LNCLD Lincoln Gold Mining Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 541,627
LNDLF Landore Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
LNNNY Leoni AG N/A Metal Products $ 0
LNXGF 0187279 B C Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 100
LNZCF Sama Resources Inc/ Ressources Sama Inc N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 1,894,733
LOBED Lobe Sciences Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
LOBEF Lobe Sciences Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
LOMLF Lion One Metals Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 6,809,075
LONCF Loncor Gold Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 40,400,640
LPDNF Ord Fully Paid/Lepidico Ltd N/A Metal Products $ 0
LPKGD Lupaka Gold Corp N/A Mining $ 1,602,700
LPKGF Lupaka Gold Corp N/A Mining $ 97,765
LQMT Liquidmetal Technologies Inc N/A Metal Products $ 39,443,255
LQRCF Black Mammoth Metals Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 1,763,474
LRAXF Lara Exploration Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 20,979,080
LRCFF Lovitt Resources, Inc. N/A Precious Metals $ 5
LRDJF St James Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 1,169,080
LRDSD Lords & Co Worldwide Holdings Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 0
LRTNF Pure Gold Mining Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 967
LSAND Los Andes Copper Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 15,219,009
LSANF Los Andes Copper Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 26,851,500
LSLCD Ord (New) No Par/Lachlan Star Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
LSMG Lode-Star Mining Inc N/A Mining $ 2,176,866
LSMLF Lodestar Minerals Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
LTHCF Lithium Ionic Corp N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
LTHHF Ord Fully Paid/Lithium Power International Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
LTHIF InZinc Mining Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 1,263,560
LTRBF Latrobe Magnesium Ltd (Australia) N/A Metal Products $ 0
LTSRF Ord Fully Paid/Lotus Resources Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
LTUM Lithium Corp N/A Mining $ 4,609,577
LUCMF Luca Mining Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 12,901,160
LUCRF Lucara Diamond Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 36,423,170
LUGDF Lundin Gold Inc 2.74% Precious Metals $ 200,055,765
LUNCF Lundin Mining Corp N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
LUNFF Lundin Mining Corp 2.91% Precious Metals $ 5,249,225,785
LUNMF Lundin Mining Corp 2.91% Precious Metals $ 5,249,225,785
LUOYF Luoyang Glass Co., Ltd. N/A Metal Products $ 0
LVXFD Leviathan Gold Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 1,816,990
LVXFF Leviathan Gold Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 757,910
LYDIF Lydian International Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 567,852
LYSCF Ord (New)/Lynas Rare Earths Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
LYSDY ADR (Sponsored) (New)/Lynas Rare Earths Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
LZM Ord Shs/Lifezone Metals Ltd N/A Metal Products $ 0
LZM_.WT Wt/Lifezone Metals Ltd N/A Metal Products $ 0
MAAFF MagIndustries Corp N/A Mining $ 457
MAANF Cl H Ord/Maanshan Iron & Steel Co., Ltd. N/A Metal Products $ 298,930,425
MACQF Themac Resources Group Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 2,193,893
MAG MAG Silver Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 1,036,940,580
MAGE Magellan Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 2,092,640
MAIFF Minera Alamos Inc N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 1,153,046
MAKAF Hardcore Discoveries Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 88,920
MAKOD Mako Mining Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 98,614,500
MAKOF Mako Mining Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 138,323,272
MALRF Ord/Mineral Resources Ltd 2.70% Mining $ 0
MALRY ADR/Mineral Resources Ltd 2.22% Mining $ 0
MANVD Manning Ventures Inc N/A Mining $ 0
MANVF Manning Ventures Inc N/A Mining $ 0
MAOMF Maudore Minerals Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 1
MARFD Cassiar Gold Corp N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 19,183,178
MARIF Marimaca Copper Corp N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 17,161,600
MARVF Marvel Discovery Corp N/A Mining $ 158,621
MARXF Elevate Uranium Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
MAS Masco Corp. 1.47% Metal Products $ 16,992,391,240
MATRF Matsa Resources Ltd. N/A Precious Metals $ 0
MAYGF Meadow Bay Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 10,691
MBGH MBG Holdings Inc N/A Metal Products $ 27,703
MBRTF MBMI Resources Inc N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 126,054
MBYMF MTB Metals Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 390,572
MCDMD MacDonald Mines Exploration Ltd. N/A Precious Metals $ 1,157,551
MCDMF Com No Par/MacDonald Mines Exploration Ltd. N/A Precious Metals $ 740,626
MCHHF Ord/Macmahon Holdings Ltd. (Australia) N/A Mining $ 0
MCHIF Maruichi Steel Tube Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
MCKRF Jade Leader Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 151,330
MCPI Mansfield-Martin Exploration Mining Inc N/A Mining $ 3,603,000
MCREF Metals Creek Resources Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 415,419
MCRZF Ord/Mincor Resources NL N/A Mining $ 0
MDNNF Niobay Metals Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 23,683,491
MEAUD Stllr Gold Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 7,795,095
MEDAD Medaro Mining Corp N/A Mining $ 0
MEDAF Medaro Mining Corp N/A Mining $ 0
MENEF Sub Vtg Cl B/Mene Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 12,125,340
MERG Merger Mines Corp N/A Mining $ 0
METC Cl A/Ramaco Resources Inc 4.58% Non-Precious Metals $ 526,439,940
METCB Com Cl B/Ramaco Resources Inc 8.95% Non-Precious Metals $ 91,549,500
METCL 9.00% Senior Notes 07/30/2026/Ramaco Resources Inc 8.77% Non-Precious Metals $ 0
METCZ Ramaco Resources Inc N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
METOF Ord/Meteoric Resources NL N/A Precious Metals $ 0
MFGCF Mayfair Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 0
MFMLF International Iconic Gold Exploration Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 499,823
MFRVF Ord Shs A/Minera Frisco S.A.B DE CV N/A Mining $ 0
MGAFF Mega Uranium Ltd N/A Mining $ 65,357,657
MGDPF Marathon Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 13,612,104
MGHCF Minco Capital Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 1,528,027
MGLDF Medgold Resources Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 174,720
MGMLF Maple Gold Mines Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 188,750
MGPHF Mason Resources Inc N/A Metal Products $ 2,372,605
MGPRD PlasCred Circular Innovations Inc N/A Mining $ 0
MGUFF Magnum Mining & Exploration Ltd. N/A Mining $ 0
MGVMF Musgrave Minerals Ltd. N/A Mining $ 0
MHIFF Mineral Hill Industries Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 105,300
MHTZD Manhattan Corp., Ltd. N/A Precious Metals $ 0
MIDLF Midland Exploration Inc N/A Mining $ 4,187,143
MIMTF Mitsubishi Materials Corp. N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
MIMZD Nighthawk Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 11,717,160
MISVF Minco Silver Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 6,802,405
MITSF Ord/Mitsui & Co., Ltd. 2.87% Mining $ 65,229,696,000
MITSY ADR/Mitsui & Co., Ltd. 2.85% Mining $ 33,472,660,480
MJDLF Major Drilling Group International Inc. N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 478,839,350
MJGCF Majestic Gold Corp 10.82% Precious Metals $ 446,544
MKNGF Mkango Resources Ltd N/A Mining $ 4,058,068
MKRID Melkior Resources Inc N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 856,371
MKRIF Melkior Resources Inc N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 443,874
MKRO Monkey Rock Group, Inc. N/A Precious Metals $ 3,786,522
MKVNF District Metals Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 337,408
MLGAF Malaga Inc N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 184
MLGCD M3 Metals Corp N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 579,825
MLGCF M3 Metals Corp N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 473,093
MLKKF Mercator Minerals Ltd. N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 259
MLLOD GABO Mining Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 179,129
MLMLF McFarlane Lake Mining Ltd N/A Metal Products $ 0
MLMZF Metallica Minerals Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
MLRKD Alaska Energy Metals Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 2,967,230
MLRKF Alaska Energy Metals Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 5,592,760
MLXEF Ord (New)/Metals X Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
MLYCF Multi-Metal Development Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 2,148,225
MLYF Western Magnesium Corp N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 111
MMILF Ord/Metro Mining Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
MMIO Marmion Industries Corp N/A Metal Products $ 91
MMLTF Ord/MMG Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
MMMKF Avenira Ltd N/A Mining $ 2,016,046
MMNGF Metallic Minerals Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 3,286,018
MMRGF Minaurum Gold Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 5,567,470
MMSDD Macarthur Minerals Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 7,026,798
MMSDF Ord (New)/Macarthur Minerals Ltd N/A Mining $ 1,688,700
MMSMY ADR/Mitsui Mining & Smelting Co Ltd (Japan) 2.93% Non-Precious Metals $ 0
MMTMF Monument Mining Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 15,632,578
MMXXF MMX Mineracao e Metalicos SA N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
MNDJF Com No Par/Mandalay Resources Corp. N/A Mining $ 67,604,685
MNGG Mining Global, Inc N/A Mining $ 7,225
MNMRF Monumental Energy Corp N/A Mining $ 0
MNNFF Q2 Metals Corp N/A Mining $ 1,534,456
MNRLD Badlands Resources Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 0
MNRLF Badlands Resources Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 0
MNSAF Ord/Mineros SA 8.41% Precious Metals $ 0
MNSEF Ord/Magnis Energy Technologies Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
MNSF Mansfelder Metals Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 1,889
MNXMF Ord/FireFly Metals Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
MNXXF Manganese X Energy Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 906,630
MOAEF Mongolia Energy Corporation Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
MOAEY Mongolia Energy Corporation Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
MOGLF Ord Par US $0.10 (New)/Mongolian Mining Corp N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
MOOOF Bettermood Food Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 0
MP Cl A/MP Materials Corp N/A Mining $ 3,161,319,590
MPJFF Ord/Kairos Minerals Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
MPVD Mountain Province Diamonds Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 119,759,250
MPVDF Mountain Province Diamonds Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 13,093,678
MQMIF MetalQuest Mining Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 928,533
MRES Institute of Biomedical Research Corp. (The) N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 516,992
MREYF Puranium Energy Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
MRFCF Maruka Furusato Corp N/A Metal Products $ 0
MRIRD BMEX Gold Inc N/A Mining $ 465,996
MRIRF Route 109 Resources Inc N/A Mining $ 76,418
MRLLF Ord/Minera IRL Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 1,315,413
MRLLY Minera IRL Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
MRRDF Meridian Mining Societas Europaea N/A Precious Metals $ 124,979,994
MRRMD Kuya Silver Corp (New) N/A Mining $ 0
MRRMF Kuya Silver Corp (New) N/A Mining $ 0
MRTMF Maritime Resources Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 967,500
MRZLF Mirasol Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 5,176,138
MSB Units Ben. Int./Mesabi Trust 5.31% Non-Precious Metals $ 333,379,200
MSCH Walker Lane Exploration Inc N/A Mining $ 5,088,600
MSGCF Mas Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 27,463
MSKTF Metalo Manufacturing Inc N/A Mining $ 0
MSMGF Grid Metals Corp N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 807,973
MSTG Mustang Alliances, Inc. N/A Precious Metals $ 83,769
MSTUF MCS Steel Public Co., Ltd. N/A Metal Products $ 0
MSTXF Madoro Metals Corp N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 68,458
MT NY Registry Shs (New) 2017/ArcelorMittal SA 1.72% Non-Precious Metals $ 25,251,247,840
MTA Metalla Royalty & Streaming Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
MTAFD Metalla Royalty & Streaming Ltd 0.05% Precious Metals $ 0
MTAL Ord/Metals Acquisition Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
MTALD Metallica Metals Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 939,522
MTALF Quebec Rare Earth Elements Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 2,720,808
MTBMF Ord/Mount Burgess Mining NL N/A Mining $ 138,624
MTEHD Spark Energy Minerals Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 0
MTEHF Spark Energy Minerals Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 0
MTGRF Ord/Mount Gibson Iron Ltd. N/A Mining $ 0
MTGRY Mount Gibson Iron Ltd. N/A Mining $ 0
MTLFF Metallis Resources Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 1,049,327
MTLLF Waroona Energy Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 0
MTRN Materion Corp 0.48% Metal Products $ 2,295,060,600
MTRT Metal Arts Co., Inc. (The) N/A Metal Products $ 0
MTTGF Goldoz Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
MTUS Metallus Inc N/A Metal Products $ 676,079,540
MTWD Metwood Inc N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 14,020
MUNMF Mundoro Capital, Inc. N/A Precious Metals $ 4,915,072
MURCF Lightspeed Discoveries Inc N/A Mining $ 42,835
MURMF Murchison Minerals Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
MUX McEwen Mining Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 430,144,120
MVMDF Mountain Valley MD Holdings Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 192,708
MVNCD Marvion Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 6,006,163
MWSNF Mawson Gold Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 46,335,200
MWXRD Mineworx Technologies Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 10,970,825
MXGLD MX Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 50,500
MXLGF MX Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 1
MXROD Max Resource Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 1,396,748
MXROF Com No Par/Max Resource Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 434,616
MXSG Mexus Gold US N/A Precious Metals $ 3,304
MXSGD Mexus Gold US N/A Precious Metals $ 3,549,096
MXTLF Metalex Ventures Ltd. N/A Precious Metals $ 18,760
MXTRF Montero Mining & Exploration Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 1,084,245
MXVDD Carbon Streaming Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 17
MXVDF Carbon Streaming Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 427,500
MYAGF Maya Gold & Silver Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 441,531,400
MYRLD Meryllion Resources Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 1,713
MYRLF Meryllion Resources Corp N/A Mining $ 34,260
MYRUF Myriad Uranium Corp N/A Mining $ 0
MYTHY ADR/Metlen Energy & Metals SA 4.43% Non-Precious Metals $ 0
NAK Northern Dynasty Minerals Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 232,351,776
NATKY GDR (Sponsored) Reg S/JSC National Atomic Co Kazatomprom 10.76% Mining $ 0
NATUF North American Tungsten Corp Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 9
NAUFF Nevgold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 371,985
NB NioCorp Developments Ltd N/A Mining $ 62,067,520
NBMFF NEO Battery Materials Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 15,889,780
NBMLF Noble Metal Group, Inc. N/A Precious Metals $ 59,655
NBRFF Nubian Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 397,661
NBRI North Bay Resources Inc N/A Mining $ 849,646
NBTRF Nobel Resources Corp (New) N/A Mining $ 0
NBYCF Niobay Metals Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 1,117,998
NC Cl A Com/NACCO Industries Inc 2.95% Mining $ 174,566,260
NCAUF Newcore Gold Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 1,380,000
NCFFF Northcliff Resources Ltd N/A Mining $ 1,757,015
NCKAF Nickel Asia Corp N/A Mining $ 0
NCMBF GoldOn Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 103,575
NCMGF Ord/Newcrest Mining Ltd. 7.01% Precious Metals $ 3,596,808,450
NCMGY ADR (Sponsored)/Newcrest Mining Ltd. 9.58% Precious Metals $ 3,690,308,900
NCPCD Nickel Creek Platinum Corp N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 267,884
NCRBF Nippon Carbon Co Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
NDEND African Energy Metals Inc N/A Mining $ 782,461
NDMCF New Destiny Mining Corp N/A Mining $ 212,629
NDRBF Shs AK B/NIBE Industrier AB N/A Metal Products $ 0
NEM Newmont Corp 2.49% Precious Metals $ 45,788,459,000
NEMCL Chess Dep Interest CDI Repstg Com Shs Intl Depositary Receipt/Newmont Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 0
NESRF Ord/Northern Star Resources Ltd 2.54% Precious Metals $ 0
NEVDD Nevada Copper Corp N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 5,667,106
NEVDF Nevada Copper Corp N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 106,816
NEWDD Newfoundland Discovery Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 5,610
NEWDF Newfoundland Discovery Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 12,781
NEWP New Pacific Metals Corp N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 96,524,610
NEWRF Newmac Resources Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 189,276
NEXA Ord/Nexa Resources SA N/A Metal Products $ 1,071,431,510
NFGC New Found Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 218,376,000
NFGFF New Found Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 859,970,080
NFLDF Exploits Discovery Corp N/A Mining $ 0
NG NovaGold Resources Inc. N/A Precious Metals $ 1,137,527,800
NGCG New Generation Consumer Group Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 1
NGD New Gold Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 1,872,400,890
NGLD Nevada Canyon Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 21,605,600
NGLDD Nevada Canyon Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 2,673,000
NGLOY ADR (Sponsored)/Anglo American Plc (United Kingdom) 2.45% Mining $ 0
NGPHF Northern Graphite Corp N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 931,685
NGUGF New Guinea Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 1
NGXXF NGEx Minerals Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
NHAWD North Arrow Minerals Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 201,624
NHAWF North Arrow Minerals Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 93,000
NHPEF Ord/New Hope Corp Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
NHRIF Lithium Energy Products Inc N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 530,069
NHVCD Elevation Gold Mining Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 63,236,657
NHVCF Elevation Gold Mining Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 55,236,337
NHYDY ADR (Sponsored)/Norsk Hydro ASA 4.01% Non-Precious Metals $ 21,969,981,880
NHYKF Ord/Norsk Hydro ASA 3.94% Non-Precious Metals $ 0
NIABY ADR/NIBE Industrier AB 1.52% Metal Products $ 0
NICLF Class 1 Nickel & Technologies Ltd N/A Mining $ 15,932,602
NICMF Ord Fully Paid/Nickel Industries Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
NIKLF Nickel Rock Resources Inc N/A Mining $ 159,426
NILA Nilam Resources Inc N/A Mining $ 56
NILIF Surge Battery Metals Inc N/A Mining $ 0
NINK Nami Corp N/A Mining $ 8,704,255
NIOBD NioCorp Developments Ltd N/A Mining $ 232,246,834
NIOBW Wt Exp/NioCorp Developments Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
NIOVF Plato Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 1,812,209
NISTF Ord/Nippon Steel Corp (New) 4.98% Non-Precious Metals $ 142,946,601,000
NITMF Hanna Capital Corp N/A Mining $ 10,032
NJMCD Idaho Strategic Resources Inc N/A Mining $ 128,748,000
NKOSF Labrador Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 362,600
NLGCF Northern Lion Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 148,100
NLIBF NOA Lithium Brines Inc N/A Mining $ 0
NLPXF Noble Mineral Exploration Inc (New) N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 1,155,819
NLRCD Northern Lights Resources Corp N/A Mining $ 0
NLRCF Northern Lights Resources Corp N/A Mining $ 0
NMG Nouveau Monde Graphite Inc N/A Mining $ 2,477,640
NMGRD Nouveau Monde Graphite Inc N/A Mining $ 20,928,550
NMGRF Nouveau Monde Graphite Inc N/A Mining $ 29,337,510
NMNX NationsMark Nexgen N/A Precious Metals $ 24,240,000
NMNZD Nortec Minerals Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 929,060
NMNZF Nortec Minerals Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 929,060
NMREF Namibia Critical Metals Inc N/A Mining $ 1,594,561
NMTAF Ord/Neometals Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
NMTAY ADR (Sponsored)/Neometals Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
NMTLD New Age Metals Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 530,551
NMTLF New Age Metals Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 427,945
NNADF Equity Metals Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 589,050
NNGVF Tesoro Minerals Corp N/A Mining $ 16,864
NNMIF Nearctic Nickel Mines, Inc. N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 455,034
NNXPF NanoXplore Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 376,533,300
NOMNF Canex Metals Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 736,147
NOPUF New Oroperu Resources Inc N/A Mining $ 21,264,387
NORNQ Noranda Aluminum Holding Corp N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 10
NOURF Ord/Northern Minerals Ltd. N/A Mining $ 0
NPEZD Bam Bam Resources Inc N/A Mining $ 0
NPMFF NewPeak Metals Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
NPPMF Nippon Light Metal Holdings Co Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
NPSCY Sponsored ADR/Nippon Steel Corp (New) 5.17% Non-Precious Metals $ 0
NPSTF Nippon Steel Trading Corp N/A Metal Products $ 0
NQMIY NQ Minerals PLC N/A Mining $ 0
NQMLF NQ Minerals PLC N/A Mining $ 0
NRGMD NRG Metals Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 1,272,040
NRGMF NRG Metals Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 4,394,320
NRGOF Pinnacle Silver and Gold Corp N/A Metal Products $ 985,440
NRP Com Unit Ltd Partnership Int (New)/Natural Resource Partners LP 5.05% Mining $ 1,406,029,750
NRPI NRP Stone Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 0
NRRMF Norra Metal Corp N/A Mining $ 326,480
NRRSF Norsemont Mining Inc (Canada) N/A Mining $ 0
NRSRF Northland Resources SA N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 22,528
NRVTF Noram Lithium Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 1,314,251
NRWMF Norwest Minerals Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
NSAUF MegumaGold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 10
NSGCF Northstar Gold Corp N/A Mining $ 765,771
NSGDF NSGold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 989,100
NSHRD Northern Shield Resources Inc N/A Mining $ 87,504
NSHRF Northern Shield Resources Inc N/A Mining $ 14,461,494
NSMCF Northern Sphere Mining Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 0
NSMSF Northern Star Mining Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 851
NSRCD NextSource Materials Inc (Canada) N/A Mining $ 110,516,940
NSRCF NextSource Materials Inc (Canada) N/A Mining $ 25,903,615
NSRPF Novo Resources Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 0
NSRS North Springs Resources Corp N/A Mining $ 9
NSRXF Nomad Royalty Co Ltd 0.57% Precious Metals $ 3,693,150
NSUPF Northern Superior Resources Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 11,843,068
NSVGF Nass Valley Gateway Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
NSVLF AUQ Gold Mining Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 225,200
NTCPF Northisle Copper & Gold Inc N/A Mining $ 13,020,280
NTTMF Nittetsu Mining Co., Ltd. (Japan) N/A Mining $ 0
NUE Nucor Corp. 1.72% Non-Precious Metals $ 29,410,328,250
NULGF NuLegacy Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 17,780
NUPMF New Pacific Metals Corp N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 367,056,170
NUSMF Nautilus Minerals Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 196
NVA Sponsored Ads/Nova Minerals Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
NVAAF Ord Fully Paid/Nova Minerals Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
NVAWW Wt Exp Sponsored Ads/Nova Minerals Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
NVGLD NV Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 194,688
NVGLF Com No Par/NV Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 149,159
NVLHF Nevada Lithium Resources Inc N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
NVMLF Navarre Minerals Ltd. N/A Precious Metals $ 0
NVSGF Nevada Sunrise Metals Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 706,297
NVYYF Eminent Gold Corp N/A Mining $ 8,341,660
NWCCF Northwest Copper Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 1,135,620
NWDMF Capella Minerals Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 538,654
NWGC New World Gold Corp. N/A Mining $ 0
NWHAF Handa Mining Corp N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 202,409
NWIFF Nuinsco Resources Limited N/A Precious Metals $ 386,765
NWLXF Newlox Gold Ventures Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 0
NWPG Newport Gold Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 68,772
NWXPF Newport Exploration Ltd 63.02% Precious Metals $ 233,765
NXE NexGen Energy Ltd N/A Mining $ 642,420,000
NXGM NexGen Mining Inc N/A Mining $ 0
NXOPF Nexoptic Technology Corp N/A Mining $ 229,918
NYRSY Nyrstar NV (Bruxelles) N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
NZAUD Rua Gold Inc N/A Mining $ 0
OARFF Fort St James Nickel Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 64,526
OATN OAT Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 138,539
OCANF OceanaGold Corp 0.70% Precious Metals $ 749,674,346
OCGSF Outcrop Silver & Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 1,977,198
OCNSF Silver Tiger Metals Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 9,147,530
OCPFD Kodiak Copper Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 12,825
OCPFF Dunnedin Ventures Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 19,152
ODV Osisko Development Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 84,715,540
ODVWZ Wt Exp Restricted 4 Mnth Hold 05/20/2027/Osisko Development Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 0
OFSTD Carbon Streaming Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 361,984
OFSTF Carbon Streaming Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 12,240
OFSWF Carbon Streaming Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 0
OGGNF Origen Resources Inc (New) N/A Precious Metals $ 0
OGNRF Orogen Royalties Inc N/A Mining $ 22,189,946
OIIIF O3 Mining Inc N/A Mining $ 35,054,250
OKLOF Oklo Resources Ltd. N/A Mining $ 0
OKPRF Global Uranium and Enrichment Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
OLVRF Olivut Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 1,219,966
OMGGF Omai Gold Mines Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 293,414
OMHI OM Holdings International Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 18
OMMSF Omineca Mining & Metals Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 557,130
OMZNF Osisko Metals Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 5,556,781
ONMBF Onamba Co Ltd N/A Metal Products $ 0
ONSS Onassis Holdings Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 4,349
OPHRF Ophir Metals Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 598,469
OPWED Opawica Explorations Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 776,700
OQMGF O3 Mining Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 69,716,985
OR Osisko Gold Royalties Ltd 0.97% Precious Metals $ 0
ORAAF Ord (New)/Aura Minerals Inc (British Virgin Islands) 6.88% Precious Metals $ 417,814,884
ORAGF Monarca Minerals Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 150,869
ORDRF Vango Mining Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
OREAF Orea Mining Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 22
ORESF Com No Par/Orestone Mining Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 52,878
ORFDF Orecap Invest Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 2,324,833
ORLA Orla Mining Ltd (New) N/A Precious Metals $ 646,498,800
ORMND Orex Minerals Inc (New) N/A Precious Metals $ 0
ORMNF Orex Minerals Inc (New) N/A Precious Metals $ 0
OROCF Ord/Allkem Ltd N/A Mining $ 699,135,200
OROXF Orosur Mining Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 8,021,909
ORRCF Oroco Resource Corp N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
ORRLF Orla Mining Ltd (New) N/A Mining $ 579,091,452
ORSUF Orsu Metals Corp (Canada) N/A Precious Metals $ 535,785
ORVMF Orvana Minerals Corp. N/A Precious Metals $ 21,671,138
ORZCF Orezone Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 37,099,988
OSCI Osceola Gold Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 2,387,371
OSKA Osyka Corp N/A Mining $ 0
OSTO Original Sixteen To One Mine, Inc. N/A Precious Metals $ 5,948
OTMN OT Mining Corp (The) N/A Mining $ 6
OUTFF Ord (New)/Outokumpu OYJ (Finland) 7.59% Non-Precious Metals $ 0
OUTKY ADR (New)/Outokumpu OYJ (Finland) 8.90% Non-Precious Metals $ 0
OXUSF Oxus Gold Plc N/A Precious Metals $ 0
OZBKF Valkea Resources Corp N/A Mining $ 1,287,059
OZMLF Ord/OZ Minerals Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 1,361,673,000
PAAND Pan Amern Energy Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 0
PAAS Pan American Silver Corp 1.80% Precious Metals $ 3,373,343,640
PAASF Contingent Value Rt 02/22/2029/Pan American Silver Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 0
PACXD Pacton Gold Inc N/A Mining $ 472,496
PADEF Ord/Adaro Energy Indonesia Tbk 18.69% Mining $ 0
PAEKY ADR/P.T. Aneka Tambang TBK 9.75% Precious Metals $ 0
PAFRF Shs GBS/Pan African Resources PLC 2.62% Precious Metals $ 0
PAFRY ADR (Sponsored)/Pan African Resources PLC 2.44% Precious Metals $ 0
PALAD Ord (New)/Paladin Energy Ltd N/A Mining $ 383,497,470
PANRF Ord/Panoramic Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
PANXD Ptx Metals Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 0
PANXF COM/PLATINEX INC N/A Precious Metals $ 0
PARLD Parallel Mining Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 20,895
PARLF Parallel Mining Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 20,877
PAUFD Ironside Resources Inc N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 246,688
PAUFF Shine Minerals Corp N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 49,338
PBATF PT Bukit Asam (Persero) Tbk 34.81% Mining $ 0
PBMFF Pacific Bay Minerals Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 147,240
PBMLF Pacific Booker Minerals Inc N/A Mining $ 9,657,792
PBMRF Ord/P.T. Bumi Resources Tbk N/A Mining $ 0
PBMRY P.T. Bumi Resources Tbk N/A Mining $ 0
PCIMF Pacific Imperial Mines Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 1,048,846
PDER Pardee Resources Co. 2.13% Non-Precious Metals $ 253,723,750
PDIYF Ord/Predictive Discovery Ltd. N/A Precious Metals $ 0
PEIMF Ord Fully Paid/Power Minerals Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
PEMC Pacific Energy & Mining Co. N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
PEMID Pure Energy Minerals Ltd N/A Mining $ 1,785,398
PEMIF Com Par $/Pure Energy Minerals Ltd N/A Mining $ 615,044
PENMD Peninsula Energy Ltd. N/A Mining $ 0
PEXZF Com No Par/Pacific Ridge Exploration Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 230,251
PFFOF Portofino Resources Inc N/A Mining $ 126,013
PGNRF Pan Global Resources Inc N/A Mining $ 2,854,200
PGOL Patriot Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 1,243,313
PGPGD Power Group Projects Corp N/A Mining $ 3,331
PGVI Promithian Global Ventures Inc N/A Mining $ 0
PGXPF Pelangio Exploration Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 411,180
PGZFF Pan Global Resources Inc N/A Mining $ 707,366
PHNMF Phenom Resources Corp N/A Mining $ 2,805,985
PHXCF Phoenix Canada Oil Co Ltd N/A Mining $ 1,013,200
PIED Piedmont Mining Co., Inc. N/A Precious Metals $ 391,880
PILBF Ord/Pilbara Minerals Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
PIONF Ord Fully Paid/Essential Metals Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
PJXRF PJX Resources Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 1,755,610
PKBAF Series A Ord/Pt Bakrie & Brothers Tbk N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
PKRKY PT Krakatau Steel Persero TBK, Cilegon N/A Metal Products $ 0
PKX ADR (Sponsored)/POSCO Holdings Inc 4.91% Non-Precious Metals $ 17,559,200,000
PLG Com No Par 2018/Platinum Group Metals Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 103,010,300
PLL Piedmont Lithium Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 205,459,660
PLLHF Gemfields Group Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
PLLMF Plata Latina Minerals Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 128,646
PLLTL CDI 100:1/Piedmont Lithium Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 0
PLLVF Palladon Ventures Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 27
PLMNF Palamina Corp N/A Mining $ 0
PLYFF Playfair Mining Ltd. N/A Precious Metals $ 142,924
PMCCF Peloton Minerals Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 0
PMCOD Prospector Metals Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 1,222,978
PMCOF Prospector Metals Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 1,374,410
PMDRF Sonoran Desert Copper Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 218,330
PMETF Patriot Battery Metals Inc N/A Mining $ 244,155
PMLYF Pacifico Minerals Ltd. N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
PMMEF Premium Exploration Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 14
PMNXF Ord/Perseus Mining Ltd 1.93% Mining $ 737,615,580
PMOMF Prismo Metals Inc N/A Mining $ 0
PMXO PMX Communities Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 118
PNCKD Galleon Gold Corp N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 22,646,062
PNCKF Galleon Gold Corp N/A Mining $ 5,957,012
PNCRF Newcore Gold Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 3,160,775
PNGM Pengram Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 5,826
PNMLF Jayden Resources Inc (New) N/A Precious Metals $ 5,206,320
PNPNF Power Nickel Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 9,128,117
PNSPF Pensana Plc N/A Metal Products $ 0
PNTOF Pantoro Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
PNTZD Trigon Metals Inc N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 1,859,760
PNTZF Trigon Metals Inc N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 987,510
PNXLF Argentina Lithium & Energy Corp N/A Mining $ 1,716,480
PNXPD Planet Ventures Inc (New) N/A Precious Metals $ 4,472,813
PNXPF Planet Ventures Inc (New) N/A Precious Metals $ 333,792
PORMF NOVX21 Inc N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 92
POROF Panoro Minerals Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 6,218,016
POTGD OM Holdings International Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 151,060
POWMD Power Metal Resources Plc N/A Precious Metals $ 0
POWMF Power Metal Resources Plc N/A Precious Metals $ 0
POYYF Ord/Polymetal International Plc N/A Precious Metals $ 0
PPTA Perpetua Resources Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 794,718,570
PPZRF Western Atlas Resources Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 724,087
PREIF Precipitate Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 0
PRESF Perpetual Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
PRMMF GBP Ord Shs/Premier African Minerals Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
PROBF Probe Gold Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 183,966,795
PRRSF Prospect Ridge Resources Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 0
PRSRD Soma Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 99,851
PRSRF Soma Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 178,622
PRSTF Prospect Resources Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
PRTM Prime Time Holdings Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 1,178,750
PRZFD Boundary Gold & Copper Mining Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 78,900
PRZFF Boundary Gold & Copper Mining Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 110,776
PSDNF Ord/Poseidon Nickel Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
PSGR Pershing Resources Co Inc N/A Mining $ 0
PSRVD Prospero Silver Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 131,488
PSRVF Keon Capital Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 87,586
PSSMF Press Metal Aluminium Holdings Berhad N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
PSXRF Pasinex Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
PTEEF Plaintree Systems Inc. N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 891,825
PTIGF PT Sumber Energi Andalan Tbk N/A Mining $ 0
PTIZF Ord/PT Indo Tambangraya Megah 18.36% Mining $ 0
PTNDF Ord/PT Vale Indonesia TBK N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
PTNDY ADR/PT Vale Indonesia TBK N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
PTNUF Platina Resources Ltd. N/A Precious Metals $ 0
PTOZF Plato Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 2,099,608
PTTMF PT Timah TBK N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
PTUUD Purepoint Uranium Group Inc N/A Mining $ 697,800
PUBC PureBase Corp N/A Mining $ 12,570,783
PUCCD Carolina Rush Corporation N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 1,097,040
PUCCF Carolina Rush Corporation N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 1,472,776
PUDA Puda Coal Inc N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 30
PUMGF Purepoint Uranium Group Inc N/A Mining $ 2,707,154
PUTKF Ord/P.T. United Tractors 12.70% Mining $ 0
PUTKY ADR/P.T. United Tractors 6.13% Mining $ 0
PUXPD Puma Exploration Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 135,885
PUXPF Puma Exploration Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 73,669
PVGDF Provenance Gold Corp N/A Mining $ 0
PVMCF Pine Valley Mining Corp 769.23% Non-Precious Metals $ 393,812
PWCRF Pacific Wildcat Resources Corp. N/A Precious Metals $ 62
PWMRF Edison Cobalt Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 3,094,520
PWRLF Power Lithium Corp N/A Mining $ 0
PWRMF Power Metals Corp N/A Mining $ 15,184,049
PXCLY Phoenix Copper Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
PXMFF Philex Mining Corp N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
PXXXF Polarx Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
PYNKF Perimeter Medical Imaging AI Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 3,220,480
PZG Paramount Gold Nevada Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 23,799,240
QCCUF QC Copper & Gold Inc N/A Mining $ 7,011,400
QCXGF QCX Gold Corp N/A Mining $ 34,425
QDROD Quadro Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 818,753
QDROF Com Par/Quadro Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 640,412
QEXGF Questex Gold & Copper Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 1,323,648
QGLDF Com No Par (New) 2018/Q-Gold Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 1,051,090
QMCQF QMC Quantum Minerals Corp N/A Mining $ 894,888
QNICD Quebec Nickel Corp N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
QQREF Quebec Rare Earth Elements Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 1,026,720
QTRPF Nova Minerals Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
QTRRF Lion Copper & Gold Corp N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 23,345,425
QUEXF Q2 Metals Corp N/A Mining $ 2,889,560
QZMRF Quartz Mountain Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 6,865,100
RAFF CAD Shs/Raffles Financial Group Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
RANGF Randgold & Exploration Co., Ltd. N/A Precious Metals $ 787,020
RARMF Cadence Minerals PLC N/A Mining $ 0
RATHF Rathdowney Resources Ltd N/A Mining $ 81,603
RBRI RBR Global Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 19,660
RBWRF Ord/Rainbow Rare Earths Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
RBYC Ruby Creek Resources, Inc. N/A Precious Metals $ 48
RCCMD GETT Gold Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 129,065
RCCMF GETT Gold Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 36,787
RCKE Rock Energy Resources Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 58,861
RCKTF Rock Tech Lithium Inc N/A Mining $ 6,839,725
RCTFF Rochester Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 159,658
RCZRF Armor Minerals Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 5,848,790
RDEMF Red Eagle Mining Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 36
RDEXF Com No Par/Red Pine Exploration Inc. N/A Precious Metals $ 863,624
RDFVF Redcorp Ventures, Ltd. N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 13,290
RDGMF Ridgeline Minerals Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 5,059,594
RDMMF Red Metal Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
RDNAF Defi Technologies Inc N/A Mining $ 18,500,370
RDRUY ADR (Sponsored)/Neometals Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
RDTMF Red Tiger Mining Inc N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 65
RDUFF Radius Gold Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 4,255,792
RDUS Cl A/Radius Recycling Inc 4.29% Non-Precious Metals $ 486,904,110
RDYFF New Path Resources Inc N/A Mining $ 0
RECHD Recharge Resources Ltd N/A Mining $ 79,667
RECHF Com Par $0.0001/Recharge Resources Ltd N/A Mining $ 7,559
REDLF Ord Fully Paid/Red 5 Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
REEEF RareX Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
REEGF Resources & Energy Group Ltd. N/A Precious Metals $ 0
REEMF Rare Element Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 190,389,220
REZZF Global Battery Metals Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 523,868
RFHRF Renforth Resources Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 0
RFLXF Reflex Advanced Materials Corp N/A Mining $ 0
RGCTD Heliostar Metals Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 29,703,061
RGCTF Heliostar Metals Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 34,183,700
RGDCD Patriot Battery Metals Inc N/A Mining $ 28,511
RGDCF Patriot Battery Metals Inc N/A Mining $ 44,895
RGDFF Reunion Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 89,920,887
RGLD Royal Gold Inc 1.09% Precious Metals $ 9,661,676,010
RGLSF Regulus Resources Inc (New) N/A Mining $ 129,212,900
RGRNF Ord/Regis Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 65,483,680
RGRSY Regis Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
RGVNF Regent Ventures Ltd. N/A Precious Metals $ 28
RGXTD Regenx Tech Corporation N/A Precious Metals $ 1,492,865
RHHNF International Battery Metals Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 26,628,279
RHNO Rhino Resource Partners LP N/A Mining $ 117,711
RHRYF Rhyolite Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 3,740,538
RIGMD Ridgestone Mining Inc N/A Mining $ 848,160
RIGMF Ridgestone Mining Inc N/A Mining $ 297,121
RIINF Canadian Critical Minerals Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 0
RIO ADR (Sponsored)/Rio Tinto Plc 6.98% Mining $ 85,576,822,520
RIOFF Rio2 Ltd (New) N/A Precious Metals $ 0
RITE MineralRite Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 1,398,914
RJKAF Cl A Sub Vtg (New) 2016/RJK Explorations Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 464,050
RKHNF Rockhaven Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 5,241,900
RKMSF Rokmaster Resources Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 317,352
RLMLF Resolution Minerals Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
RMDFF Richmond Minerals Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 15,622
RMESD Red Metal Resources Ltd (Canada) N/A Mining $ 127,772
RMESF Red Metal Resources Ltd (Canada) N/A Mining $ 616,312
RMETF Rackla Metals Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 512,123
RMGGF Ord/Resolute Mining Ltd. (Australia) N/A Mining $ 0
RMGGY ADR/Resolute Mining Ltd. (Australia) N/A Mining $ 0
RMIAF Automotive FinCo Corp N/A Mining $ 10,076,173
RMIOF Romios Gold Resources Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 177,027
RMLFF Rusoro Mining Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 96,277,966
RMLRF Ord/Ramelius Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
RMNXF Rainy Mountain Royalty Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 269
RMRDF Cl A Com (New)/Radisson Mining Resources Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 5,615,243
RMRYF Armory Mining Corp N/A Mining $ 0
RNBI Rainbow International Corp. N/A Precious Metals $ 273
RNCHF Ranchero Gold Corp (New) N/A Mining $ 2,300,795
RNGC Ranger Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 234,098
RNGTD Osisko Development Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 361,706,800
ROYE Royal Energy Resources Inc N/A Mining $ 18
ROYIF Royalties, Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 453,744
RQHTF Reliq Health Technologies Inc N/A Mining $ 4,244
RRMLF Ross River Minerals Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 9
RRSSF Ord/Neometals Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
RS Reliance Inc 1.40% Non-Precious Metals $ 15,811,699,200
RSDNF Dianor Resources, Inc. N/A Precious Metals $ 7
RSGOF Resouro Strategic Metals Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 0
RSMXF Regency Silver Corp N/A Mining $ 0
RSNUF Renascor Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
RSNVF Reyna Silver Corp N/A Mining $ 5,778,771
RSRBD Robex Resources Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 5,308,450
RSRBF Robex Resources Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 4,393,200
RTGGF RTG Mining Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 0
RTLGF St Augustine Gold and Copper Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 14,201,794
RTMFF RT Minerals Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 34,320
RTNTF Ord/Rio Tinto Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
RTPPF Ord/Rio Tinto Plc 6.68% Mining $ 81,787,388,280
RTRFF Ord/Rumble Resources Ltd. N/A Metal Products $ 0
RUPRF Rupert Resources Ltd. N/A Precious Metals $ 50,227,870
RUSMF Russel Metals Inc. 3.76% Metal Products $ 1,937,119,690
RVBR Markray Corp N/A Mining $ 12,956
RVLGF Revival Gold Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 486,400
RVLTF Revolution Technologies, Inc. N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
RVNG Raven Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 35
RVSDF Riverside Resources Inc (New) N/A Metal Products $ 6,459,464
RWBYF Red White & Bloom Brands Inc N/A Mining $ 5,337,744
RXRLF Ord/Rex Minerals Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
RYBIF Ryobi, Ltd. (Japan) N/A Metal Products $ 0
RYES Rise Gold Corp N/A Mining $ 4,970,444
RYESD Rise Gold Corp N/A Mining $ 13,227,600
RYESF Rise Gold Corp N/A Mining $ 14,882,593
RYI Ryerson Holding Corp 3.37% Non-Precious Metals $ 708,914,220
RYMM Royal Mines & Minerals Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 490
RYOOF Rio Silver Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 305,600
RYSMF Royal Standard Minerals Inc. N/A Precious Metals $ 921
RYTTF Horizon Copper Corp N/A Mining $ 6,114,112
SA Seabridge Gold Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 698,154,600
SADMF Sanatana Resources Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 815,850
SAEI Supatcha Resources, Inc N/A Mining $ 61
SAGGF Sterling Metals Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 746,348
SAIDF Fidelity Minerals Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 281,050
SAMMF Sama Resources Inc/ Ressources Sama Inc N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 1,894,733
SAND Sandstorm Gold Ltd 1.04% Precious Metals $ 996,021,360
SAPLF Ord/Sylvania Platinum Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
SARMF Southern Arc Minerals Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 0
SAUKF Steel Authority of India Ltd. (India) N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
SAVNF Ord/Savannah Resources PLC N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
SBDCD SBD Capital Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 0
SBDCF SBD Capital Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 0
SBLRF Sable Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 91,726
SBMID Lode Gold Resources Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 500,897
SBMIF Lode Gold Resources Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 490,560
SBSW ADR (Sponsored)/Sibanye Stillwater Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 3,114,149,960
SBUM Silver Buckle Mines Inc N/A Mining $ 0
SBWFF Cornish Metals Inc N/A Mining $ 1,001,880
SBYSF Ord/Sibanye Stillwater Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 3,040,513,840
SCCFD Strategic Resources Inc N/A Mining $ 91,147,750
SCCFF Strategic Resources Inc N/A Mining $ 27,461,935
SCCO Southern Copper Corp 2.10% Non-Precious Metals $ 78,554,000,000
SCDCF Scandium Canada Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
SCGEY Shoucheng Holdings Ltd 6.66% Non-Precious Metals $ 0
SCHN Cl A Com/Schnitzer Steel Industries Inc 2.26% Non-Precious Metals $ 906,725,200
SCLTF Searchlight Resources Inc N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 181,400
SCTSD Scottie Resources Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 0
SCVFD Scotch Creek Ventures Inc N/A Mining $ 0
SCWTF Schweiter Technologies AG N/A Metal Products $ 0
SCYYF Scandium International Mining Corp N/A Mining $ 3,558,610
SDDFF Siderar S.A.I.C. N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
SDGMF Shandong Gold-Mining Co Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
SDNVY Siderurgica Venezolana Sivensa SAICA-S.A.C.A. N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
SDNWY Siderurgica Venezolana Sivensa N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
SDURF Stroud Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 785,760
SEKZD Es Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 3,820,659
SELR Steele Oceanic Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 203,904
SELSF St. Elias Mines Ltd. N/A Precious Metals $ 62
SFEG Santa Fe Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 25,564,739
SFRFF Silver Fields Resources Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 4
SFRRF Ord/Sandfire Resources Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
SGBH Grand China Energy Group Ltd N/A Mining $ 1,906,349
SGGDF Sage Gold Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 9
SGGTD Signature Resources Ltd. N/A Precious Metals $ 2,646,672
SGGTF Signature Resources Ltd. N/A Precious Metals $ 1,218,572
SGLDD Sabre Gold Mines Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 1,492,118
SGLDF Sabre Gold Mines Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 1,291,819
SGMNF Sutter Gold Mining Inc N/A Mining $ 49
SGQRF SouthGobi Resources Ltd N/A Mining $ 55,118,100
SGRCF San Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 309
SGRND Northwest Copper Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 6,249,557
SGRNF Northwest Copper Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 5,765,100
SGTN Soligen Technologies, Inc. N/A Metal Products $ 38
SHCMF Search Minerals Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 1,873,116
SHERF Sherritt International Corp N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 35,997,033
SHFGF Shefa Gems Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
SHGDF Star Diamond Corp N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 4,606,535
SHIFF ShiftCarbon Inc N/A Mining $ 0
SHTLF Ord/South32 Ltd 1.55% Mining $ 0
SHVLF Starcore International Mines Ltd. N/A Precious Metals $ 3,734,300
SICNF Sokoman Minerals Corp N/A Mining $ 296,946
SID ADR (Sponsored) repr Ord shs/Companhia Siderurgica Nacional 11.90% Non-Precious Metals $ 3,041,280,000
SIDGQ Stamford Industrial Group, Inc. N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 8
SIERD Sierra Grande Minerals Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 1,334,920
SIERF Sierra Grande Minerals Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 193,273
SILED Silver Elephant Mining Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 23,287,080
SILEF Silver Elephant Mining Corp N/A Mining $ 5,143,015
SILV SilverCrest Metals Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 0
SIM ADR/Grupo Simec S.A.B. de C.V. N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 544,544,770
SIREF Sirios Resources Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 591,260
SITKF Sitka Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 0
SIXWF Sixth Wave Innovations Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 0
SIZYF Major Precious Metals N/A Mining $ 11
SKE Com Par $0.01/Skeena Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 558,911,500
SKHRD Stakeholder Gold Corp N/A Mining $ 46,987
SKHRF Com No Par/Stakeholder Gold Corp N/A Mining $ 213,200
SKKRD SKRR Exploration Inc N/A Mining $ 0
SKRED Skeena Resources Limited N/A Precious Metals $ 674,686,025
SKREF Skeena Resources Limited N/A Precious Metals $ 636,927,500
SKTCF Skychain Technologies Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 77,319
SLCO Sovereign Lithium Inc N/A Mining $ 47
SLGGF Ord/SolGold PLC N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 128,451,660
SLGN Silgan Holdings Inc 1.39% Metal Products $ 5,854,501,900
SLGXD Sillenger Exploration Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 1,318,355
SLKEF Silk Energy Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
SLMFF Solis Minerals Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 587,093
SLMLF Apex Resources Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 673,850
SLMXF Com No Par/Slam Exploration Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 162,218
SLROF Stellar Resources Ltd N/A Mining $ 60,656
SLRRF Silver Range Resources Ltd. N/A Precious Metals $ 1,810,648
SLSDF Select Sands Corp N/A Mining $ 18,681
SLSR Solaris Resources Inc N/A Mining $ 328,227,120
SLSSF Solaris Resources Inc N/A Mining $ 346,952,898
SLTFD Pegasus Resources Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 750,976
SLTFF Pegasus Resources Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 445,892
SLVDF Silver Dollar Resources Inc N/A Mining $ 4,100,026
SLVMF Ord Fully Paid/Silver Mines Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
SLVRF Silver One Resources Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 8,699,950
SLVTF Silver Tiger Metals Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 12,821,916
SLZNF Slave Lake Zinc Corp N/A Mining $ 0
SMAGF Soma Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 213,393
SMATD Canadian GoldCamps Corp N/A Mining $ 0
SMATF Canadian GoldCamps Corp N/A Mining $ 0
SMCDF Strategic Minerals Plc N/A Mining $ 0
SMDRF Sierra Madre Gold & Silver Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
SMDXD Goldshore Resources Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 56,165,200
SMDXF Goldshore Resources Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 51,150,450
SMDZF Strategic Metals Ltd (New) N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 9,181,224
SMMYY ADR/Sumitomo Metal Mining Co Ltd 2.68% Mining $ 0
SMNRF S2 Minerals Inc N/A Mining $ 0
SMOFF Sonoro Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 746,970
SMPR American Clean Resources Group Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 72,815,950
SMPRD Standard Metals Processing Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 3,341,250
SMRED Sun Summit Minerals Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 109,888
SMSKF Sumiseki Holdings Inc. N/A Mining $ 0
SMTSF Sierra Metals Inc N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 85,077,540
SMXMF Samex Mining Corp. N/A Precious Metals $ 12,673
SND Smart Sand Inc 4.46% Mining $ 96,138,560
SNGCF Sanu Gold Corp N/A Mining $ 0
SNNAF Sienna Resources Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 307,251
SNNGF PPX Mining Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 1,987,972
SNTAF Strategic Minerals Europe Corp N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
SOCJF Sonora Gold & Silver Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 822,624
SOHFF Altaley Mining Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 158,785,834
SOUHY ADR (Sponsored)/South32 Ltd 1.51% Mining $ 0
SPARF Spark Energy Minerals Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 0
SPAZF Spanish Mountain Gold Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 7,422,621
SPEYD Spey Resources Corp N/A Mining $ 0
SPGX Sustainable Projects Group Inc N/A Mining $ 232,727,200
SPHUF Sphere Resources, Inc. N/A Precious Metals $ 103
SPLPPA 6% Pfd Unit Ser A/Steel Partners Holdings LP 6.17% Metal Products $ 0
SPNRF Sparton Resources, Inc. N/A Precious Metals $ 139,826
SRAFF Sandfire Resources America Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 67,134,135
SRBIF Ord (New) GBP 0.10/Serabi Gold Plc N/A Precious Metals $ 4,797,000
SRCGF Homeland Nickel Inc N/A Metal Products $ 0
SRCH Searchlight Minerals Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 794,880
SRCRD Scorpio Gold Corp (New) N/A Precious Metals $ 1,110,720
SRCRF Com Par/Scorpio Gold Corp (New) N/A Precious Metals $ 538,005
SRGE Southridge Enterprises Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 0
SRGXF Surge Copper Corp N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 221,933
SRGZ Com Par $0.0001/Star Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 1,255,054
SRHIF Three Valley Copper Corp N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 618,314
SRHYY ADR (Sponsored)/Syrah Resources Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
SRKZD Sky Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 2,050,232
SRKZF Sky Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 642,617
SRLTF Seafield Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 19
SRLZF Salazar Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 984,730
SRMMD Sarama Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 4,548,391
SRMMF Sarama Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 429,100
SRMUF Shear Diamonds Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 42
SROYF Ord/Sailfish Royalty Corp 5.00% Precious Metals $ 0
SRSIF Strateco Resources Inc. N/A Mining $ 167
SRSSF S2 Resources Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
SSAAF Cl A Ord/SSAB AB 10.08% Non-Precious Metals $ 0
SSAAY ADR/SSAB AB 10.07% Non-Precious Metals $ 0
SSEBF Silver Spruce Resource Inc N/A Mining $ 41,425
SSPXD Gold X Mining Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 5,024,370
SSRGF SSR Mining Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 0
SSRM SSR Mining Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 1,505,625,360
SSRSD Silver Sands Resource Corp N/A Mining $ 88,846
SSRSF Silver Sands Resource Corp N/A Mining $ 39,408
SSTT SStarTrade Tech Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 0
SSUMF Ord/Sumitomo Corp. (Japan) 3.80% Metal Products $ 0
SSUMY ADR (Sponsored)/Sumitomo Corp. (Japan) 3.79% Metal Products $ 0
SSVFF Southern Silver Exploration Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 2,487,191
SSVRF Summa Silver Corp N/A Mining $ 69,350
STACF Portex Minerals Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 8
STAL Star Alliance International Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 556,186
STGDF Stone Gold Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 423,010
STHFF Stelmine Canada Ltd N/A Mining $ 40,451
STKXD StrikePoint Gold Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 144,430
STLD Steel Dynamics Inc. 1.48% Non-Precious Metals $ 18,630,220,650
STLXD Stellar AfricaGold Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 55,293
STLXF Stellar AfricaGold Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 101,478
STMNF Ord (New)/Sumitomo Metal Mining Co Ltd 2.30% Mining $ 7,758,489,260
STMRF Stanmore Resources Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
STPGF Steppe Gold Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
STQNF Strandline Resources Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
STRPF Starr Peak Mining Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 1,318,680
STRRF Canadian Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 656,807
STSBD South Star Battery Metals Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 8,352,501
STSBF South Star Battery Metals Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 7,074,915
STTDD Standard Uranium Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
STTSY Straits Trading Co. Ltd. N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
STUPD Battery X Metals Inc N/A Mining $ 0
STVGD Stevens Gold Nevada Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 1,310,488
STVGF Nine Mile Metals Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 1,675,343
STVMF Stavely Minerals Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
STXPF Stuhini Exploration Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
STYS Stinger Systems Inc N/A Metal Products $ 5
STZU Sun Tzu Corp. N/A Mining $ 0
SUIFF Superior Mining International Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 723,625
SULMF Sulliden Mining Capital Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 0
SUNPF Sun Peak Metals Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 16,676,131
SUUFF Strathmore Plus Uranium Corp N/A Mining $ 2,960,139
SVBL Silver Bull Resources Inc N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 4,258,203
SVBLD Silver Bull Resources Inc N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 16,277,091
SVBRF Silver Bear Resources plc N/A Precious Metals $ 38
SVGAF Silver Grail Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 689,780
SVJTY GDR (Sponsored) Reg S/PAO Severstal 15.89% Metal Products $ 0
SVM Silvercorp Metals Inc 0.82% Precious Metals $ 508,880,300
SVMFF Silver Valley Metals Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 232,798
SVMLF Ord/Sovereign Metals Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
SVMMF Nevgold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 636,752
SVNTF 79North Inc N/A Mining $ 0
SVROF Silver Predator Corp N/A Mining $ 1,873,955
SVRSF Silver Storm Mining Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 392,425
SWLFF Silver Wolf Exploration Inc N/A Mining $ 1,067,500
SWNLF EDM Resources Inc N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 348,779
SWYDF Stornoway Diamond Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 11,840
SXC SunCoke Energy Inc 3.69% Metal Products $ 1,001,535,720
SXMVF Vior Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 8,877,544
SXNTD Sixty North Gold Mining Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
SXNTF Sixty North Gold Mining Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
SXOOF St-Georges Eco-Mining Corp N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
SYAAF Ord/Syrah Resources Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
SYAXF Ord/Sayona Mining Ltd. N/A Mining $ 0
SYHBF Com No Par/Skyharbour Resources Ltd N/A Mining $ 5,787,860
SYNL Synalloy Corp. N/A Metal Products $ 153,344,000
SZGPF Ord/Salzgitter AG 2.33% Non-Precious Metals $ 0
SZGPY ADR/Salzgitter AG 1.82% Non-Precious Metals $ 0
SZHFF Sojitz Corp N/A Mining $ 0
SZSMF Santacruz Silver Mining Ltd N/A Mining $ 14,494,220
TAHEF Tahera Diamond Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 210
TAKUF Taku Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 126,282
TAOFF Ord Fully Paid/Iperionx Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
TARSD Silver North Resources Ltd N/A Metal Products $ 5,141,760
TARSF Silver North Resources Ltd N/A Metal Products $ 1,820,177
TASEF Tasman Resources Ltd. N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
TATLY Tata Steel Ltd. 1.08% Non-Precious Metals $ 0
TBGPD Tembo Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 1,883,000
TBGPF Lake Victoria Gold Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 1,708,150
TBNGY ADR/PT Bukit Asam (Persero) Tbk 44.28% Mining $ 0
TCKRF Cl A/Teck Resources Ltd 1.69% Mining $ 336,781,640
TCVNF Tocvan Ventures Corp N/A Mining $ 0
TDGFF Tongda Group Holdings Ltd N/A Metal Products $ 0
TDRYD Red White & Bloom Brands Inc N/A Mining $ 13,168,640
TECK Cl B Sub Vtg Shs/Teck Resources Ltd 1.66% Mining $ 24,819,363,250
TERCF Ord/Terracom Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
TEUTF Teuton Resources Corp. N/A Precious Metals $ 10,086,480
TG Tredegar Corp. N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 275,231,610
TGB Taseko Mines Ltd. N/A Precious Metals $ 461,362,720
TGGRF Taruga Minerals Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
TGILF Tiger International Resources Inc. N/A Metal Products $ 0
TGLDD Renegade Gold Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 6,567,049
TGLDF Renegade Gold Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 1,573,215
TGLS Ord/Tecnoglass Inc 0.50% Metal Products $ 3,934,421,400
TGMGF Ord Fully Paid/Theta Gold Mines Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
TGOLF Thunder Gold Corp. N/A Precious Metals $ 5,067,154
TGRHF Tirupati Graphite plc N/A Mining $ 0
TGSI TGS International Ltd N/A Mining $ 45,035,620
THM International Tower Hill Mines Ltd N/A Mining $ 98,368,772
THMG Thunder Mountain Gold, Inc. N/A Precious Metals $ 6,091,686
THORD Thor Energy Plc N/A Mining $ 0
THORF Thor Energy Plc N/A Mining $ 0
THRR Thresher Industries Inc N/A Metal Products $ 0
THXPF Thor Explorations Ltd. N/A Precious Metals $ 5,605,950
TIGCD Triumph Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 3,566,800
TIGCF Triumph Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 1,929,876
TIHRF Tharisa plc N/A Metals & Mining $ 0
TIMCF Titan Mining Corp N/A Mining $ 0
TIMGF Toachi Mining Inc N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 999,050
TINO Tamino Minerals Inc N/A Mining $ 1
TKLS Trutankless Inc N/A Metal Products $ 34,367,400
TKRFF Tinka Resources Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 94,413
TLGRF Ord/Talga Group Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
TLSMF Talisman Mining Ltd. N/A Precious Metals $ 0
TLXPF Ora Gold Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
TMASD Temas Resources Corp N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 489,446
TMASF Temas Resources Corp N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 230,399
TMBXF Tombstone Exploration Corp N/A Mining $ 1,098
TMIAF Gold Springs Resource Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 0
TMLVF Tamerlane Ventures Inc. N/A Mining $ 6
TMQ Trilogy Metals Inc (New) N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 181,820,390
TMRC Texas Mineral Resources Corp N/A Mining $ 23,122,280
TMST Timkensteel Corp N/A Metal Products $ 880,362,000
TMZRF Thomson Resources Ltd. N/A Mining $ 0
TNGMF TGX Energy & Resources Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 147,388
TNGRF Ord NPV/Thungela Resources Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
TNGZF Tivan Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
TNMLF Thunder Gold Corp. N/A Precious Metals $ 6,009,881
TNNTF Tintina Mines Ltd. N/A Precious Metals $ 1,296,600
TNREF Taranis Resources Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 1,726,560
TNSMF Titanium Sands Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
TOEYD Ord (New)/Toro Energy Ltd. N/A Mining $ 0
TOGOF Cl A Com/TomaGold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 385,240
TOHZF Ord (New)/Toho Zinc Co Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
TOKSF Tokyo Steel Manufacturing Co Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
TORCD TinOne Resources Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 0
TORCF TinOne Resources Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 0
TORVF Volt Carbon Technologies Inc N/A Mining $ 1,432,440
TORXF Torex Gold Resources Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 660,128,525
TPRFF Aris Mining Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 1,398,760
TPRXF Wt 04/30/2024/GCM Mining Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 0
TRARF Teras Resources Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 14,490
TRBMF Torq Resources Inc N/A Mining $ 3,131,234
TRCTD Traction Uranium Corp N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
TRCTF Traction Uranium Corp N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
TREVD Trevali Mining Corp N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 12,705,421
TREVF Trevali Mining Corp N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 1,436,960
TREVQ Trevali Mining Corp N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 9
TRGGF Tarachi Gold Corp N/A Mining $ 272,162
TRII Trio Resources Inc N/A Mining $ 299,482
TRLDF Threegold Resources Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 0
TROIF NewOrigin Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 13,961
TROUD Troubadour Resources Inc N/A Mining $ 2,127,150
TROUF Troubadour Resources Inc N/A Mining $ 477,900
TRRCF Tribeca Resources Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 11,632,841
TRRFD Trifecta Gold Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 613,528
TRRFF Trifecta Gold Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 506,450
TRRGF Transatlantic Mining Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 923,034
TRRI Trinity Resoures Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 0
TRRPF Torrent Capital Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 1,658,670
TRRXF TNR Gold Corp N/A Mining $ 780,546
TRS TriMas Corp (New) 0.61% Metal Products $ 1,055,683,440
TRSFF Tres-Or Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 502,618
TRX TRX Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 0
TRXXF Gold Terra Resource Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 2,941,033
TRYRF Troy Resources Ltd N/A Mining $ 8,779
TRYXF Bessor Minerals Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 279,810
TSDRF Tsodilo Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 1,164,927
TSGZF TriStar Gold Inc N/A Mining $ 0
TSKFD Talisker Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 3,323,323
TSKFF Talisker Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 3,850,020
TSORF Tesoro Gold Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
TT Ord/Trane Technologies plc 0.84% Metal Products $ 89,865,584,640
TTEXF Bullion Gold Resources Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 55,421
TTIRF Tertiary Minerals Plc N/A Mining $ 0
TTNNF Toho Titanium Co., Ltd. N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
TTSRF Tartisan Nickel Corp N/A Mining $ 0
TTTND Titan Minerals Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
TTXP Trilliant Exploration Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 191
TUMIF Kingsmen Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 1,035,993
TVCCF Cl A/Three Valley Copper Corp N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 4
TVER Terrace Ventures Inc N/A Mining $ 6,632
TVIPF TVI Pacific Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 58,992,300
TWIRF Tree Island Steel Ltd 4.32% Non-Precious Metals $ 62,411,539
TWOSF T2 Metals Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 387,345
TWRFF Tower Resources Ltd. N/A Precious Metals $ 2,055,330
TX ADR (Sponsored)/Ternium S A 10.09% Non-Precious Metals $ 60,859,911,020
TYHJF Tyhee Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 289
TYHOF Toyota Tsusho Corp N/A Metal Products $ 0
TYHOY Toyota Tsusho Corp N/A Metal Products $ 0
TYXXF Tyranna Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
UAMY United States Antimony Corp. N/A Metal Products $ 208,202,880
UEC Uranium Energy Corp N/A Mining $ 3,333,933,440
UGDIF Unigold Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 1,023,582
ULTHD United Lithium Corp (New) N/A Mining $ 5,619,200
ULTHF United Lithium Corp (New) N/A Mining $ 2,175,684
ULTXF Ultra Lithium Inc (New) N/A Mining $ 162,834
URANF International Prospect Ventures Ltd N/A Mining $ 199,800
URCFF Vanadian Energy Corp N/A Mining $ 58,269
URCWF Uranium Royalty Corp N/A Mining $ 0
UREKD Eureka Lithium Corp N/A Mining $ 0
UREKF Eureka Lithium Corp N/A Mining $ 0
UREQF Devex Resources Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
URG UR-Energy Inc N/A Mining $ 444,203,220
URGYD Academy Metals Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 363,776
URGYF Bedford Metals Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 607,240
URNXF Magnis Resources Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
UROY Uranium Royalty Corp N/A Mining $ 144,685,240
URVND Uravan Minerals Inc N/A Mining $ 1,893,200
USAP Universal Stainless & Alloy Products, Inc. N/A Metal Products $ 411,595,100
USAS Americas Gold & Silver Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 6,368,800
USAU US Gold Corp (Canada) N/A Precious Metals $ 74,802,040
USCMF US Critical Metals Corp N/A Mining $ 0
USCS USCorp N/A Precious Metals $ 45,607
USCUF US Copper Corp N/A Mining $ 281,550
USCZF United Silver Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 67
USGDD American Pacific Mining Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 0
USGDF American Pacific Mining Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 2,940,560
USGO U S GoldMining Inc N/A Mining $ 130,548,050
USGOW Wt Exp/U S GoldMining Inc N/A Mining $ 0
USLM United States Lime & Minerals Inc. 0.14% Mining $ 4,173,008,360
USNZY ADR (Sponsored) Reg S/Usinas Siderurgicas de Minas Gerais S.A. - USIMINAS 4.41% Non-Precious Metals $ 522,076,880
USREF Tactical Resources Corp N/A Mining $ 0
UTOLF Ord/TraceSafe Inc N/A Mining $ 0
UURAD Ucore Rare Metals Inc N/A Mining $ 7,635,242
UURAF Ucore Rare Metals Inc N/A Mining $ 4,963,387
UUSAF Kraken Energy Corp. N/A Mining $ 0
UUUU Energy Fuels Inc N/A Mining $ 977,109,900
UWEFF Green Shift Commodities Ltd N/A Mining $ 4,922,613
VALE ADR/Vale SA 9.92% Non-Precious Metals $ 29,462,792,020
VANTF Vantex Resources Ltd N/A Mining $ 77,558
VDMRF Voyager Metals Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 5,321,469
VDOMF Val d'Or Mining Corp N/A Mining $ 298,769
VDTAF Vendetta Mining Corp N/A Mining $ 0
VGLDF Guanajuato Silver Co Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 17,611,371
VGMIF Visible Gold Mines Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 1,032,298
VGWCF Valens GroWorks Corp N/A Mining $ 0
VGZ Reorganization Shs/Vista Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 68,187,048
VIORF Vior Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 10,306,384
VITFD Victoria Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 39,118,498
VITFF Victoria Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 2,158,348
VIZSF Vizsla Silver Corp N/A Mining $ 0
VLCJF Velocity Minerals Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 75,639
VLLTF Emergence Global Enterprises Inc N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
VLMGF Viscount Mining Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 3,219,673
VLPNF Ord/voestalpine AG 3.59% Non-Precious Metals $ 0
VLPNY ADR/voestalpine AG 2.52% Non-Precious Metals $ 0
VLQCF Quantum Graphite Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
VLTMF Voltage Metals Crop N/A Metal Products $ 0
VMC Vulcan Materials Co (Holding Company) 0.67% Mining $ 36,418,461,970
VMRSF Ord/Vimy Resources Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
VMSXF Nine Mile Metals Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 137,584
VMXXF Valhalla Metals Inc N/A Mining $ 1,305,068
VNCKF Victory Nickel Inc N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 52,110
VNNHF Belo Sun Mining Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 4,856,333
VOHO Volcan Holdings Inc N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 149,234
VOYRF Thunderbird Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
VRBFD VanadiumCorp Resource Inc N/A Mining $ 349,364
VRBFF VanadiumCorp Resource Inc N/A Mining $ 522,690
VRBRF Buccaneer Gold Corp N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 1,816
VRCFD Victory Battery Metals Corp N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 1,787
VRCFF Supreme Critical Metals Inc N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 1,787
VRCV Varca Ventures Inc. N/A Mining $ 2,108
VRDR Verde Resources Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 184,834,041
VRRCF VR Resources Ltd N/A Mining $ 1,446,294
VTMC Valentine Mark Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 0
VTMLF Ord/Venture Minerals Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
VTMXF Ord/Vital Metals Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
VTXXF Vertex Minerals Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
VULNF Ord Fully Paid/Vulcan Energy Resources Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
VVCVF VVC Exploration Corp. N/A Precious Metals $ 692,666
VZLA Com No Par/Vizsla Silver Corp N/A Mining $ 0
WALRD Megawatt Lithium & Battery Metals Corp N/A Metal Products $ 0
WALRF Megawatt Lithium & Battery Metals Corp N/A Metal Products $ 0
WARAF Waraba Gold Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
WARGF Kirkland Lake Discoveries Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 2,679,660
WBRBF Wienerberger AG 3.00% Metal Products $ 0
WBRBY ADR (Sponsored)/Wienerberger AG 2.21% Metal Products $ 0
WCOTF WPD Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 409,800
WDGNF Widgie Nickel Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
WDGRF Wedgemount Resources Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 0
WDOFF Wesdome Gold Mines Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 965,955,120
WEBC Webco Industries Inc. N/A Metal Products $ 122,292,000
WECFD White Energy Co., Ltd. N/A Mining $ 0
WECFF Ord (New)/White Energy Co., Ltd. N/A Mining $ 0
WEGOF Wescan Goldfields Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 40,557
WFRSF Ord/West African Resources Ltd. N/A Precious Metals $ 241,042,425
WGKFF Westkam Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 60,346
WGLIF Westward Gold Inc N/A Mining $ 0
WGMCF Winston Gold Corp N/A Mining $ 0
WGXRF Ord Fully Paid/Westgold Resources Ltd (New) N/A Precious Metals $ 0
WHEFF Waroona Energy Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 0
WHELF Salt Lake Potash Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
WHGOF White Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 462,405
WHITF Ord/Whitehaven Coal Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
WHTGF Mangazeya Mining Ltd. N/A Precious Metals $ 115
WHWRF World Houseware (Holdings) Ltd. N/A Metal Products $ 30,843,950
WHYRF West High Yield (W.H.Y.) Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 5,829,300
WKLDD West Vault Mining Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 2,371,949
WKLN Walker Lane Exploration Inc N/A Mining $ 12,439
WLBMF Wallbridge Mining Company Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 5,513,761
WLFFF Wolfden Resources Corp N/A Mining $ 369,320
WLGMF West Red Lake Gold Mines Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
WLRMF Aloro Mining Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 21,436
WMLLF Wealth Minerals Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 164,320
WMLMF Woomera Mining Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
WMLPQ Westmoreland Resource Partners LP N/A Mining $ 19,404
WMNNF Ord Fully Paid/Aston Minerals Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
WMRSF Westminster Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 1,370,830
WMTN WestMountain Gold Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 15,823
WMWWF Ord/West Wits Mining Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
WMXCF Ord Fully Paid/Wiluna Mining Corp Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
WOLV Wolverine Resources Corp N/A Mining $ 3,850,638
WOR Worthington Enterprises Inc 1.68% Non-Precious Metals $ 1,972,202,400
WPCZD Blue Star Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 1,086,815
WPDPF WPD Pharmaceuticals Inc N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 1,366
WPM Wheaton Precious Metals Corp 1.02% Precious Metals $ 26,734,575,360
WRMCF Ord (New)/White Rock Minerals Ltd. N/A Precious Metals $ 0
WRN Western Copper & Gold Corp. N/A Precious Metals $ 98,904,750
WROCF White Rock Minerals Ltd. N/A Precious Metals $ 0
WRPSF Silver X Mining Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 381,156
WRRZD Walker River Resources Corp N/A Mining $ 7,342,331
WRRZF Walker River Resources Corp N/A Mining $ 4,167,176
WS Worthington Steel Inc 1.52% Metal Products $ 2,138,685,120
WSRRF Harrys Manufacturing Inc N/A Metal Products $ 148,794
WSRUF Waseco Resources Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 524,020
WSTN Westlin Corp N/A Mining $ 0
WSTRF Western Uranium & Vanadium Corp N/A Mining $ 0
WSZWF Wesizwe Platinum Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
WTCRF Li3 Lithium Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 15,898
WTCZF Copper Lake Resources Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 133,931
WTGRF Ord Fully Paid/Westgold Resources Ltd (New) N/A Precious Metals $ 0
WTHVF Westhaven Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 1,130,990
WVMDF West Vault Mining Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 1,497,660
X United States Steel Corp. 0.60% Non-Precious Metals $ 7,489,187,460
XANAF Xanadu Mines Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
XAUMD GoldMoney Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 54,848,216
XAUMF GoldMoney Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 0
XEPRF Xemplar Energy Corp N/A Mining $ 24
XMTTF Xmet Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 46
XNDRD Xander Resources Inc N/A Mining $ 0
XNDRF Xander Resources Inc N/A Mining $ 0
XNGIF Xingda International Holdings Limited N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
XRAPF XRApplied Technologies Inc N/A Mining $ 0
XRESF Royalties, Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 997,240
XTERF Olive Resource Capital Inc N/A Mining $ 49,489
XTGRF Ord/Xtra-Gold Resources Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 61,091,612
XTRM Extreme Biodiesel Inc N/A Metal Products $ 125
XTRRD X-Terra Resources Inc N/A Mining $ 8,536,064
XTXXD Adastra Holdings Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
XTXXF Adastra Holdings Ltd N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
XXMMD Ximen Mining Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 243,425
XYIGF Ord/Xinyi Glass Holdings Ltd 8.32% Metal Products $ 0
XYIGY ADR (Unsponsored)/Xinyi Glass Holdings Ltd 8.27% Metal Products $ 0
XZJCF Mitsui Mining & Smelting Co Ltd (Japan) 4.62% Non-Precious Metals $ 0
YACAF Ord/Yancoal Australia Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
YBCN Yong Bai Chao New Retail Corp N/A Mining $ 1,512,960
YDRMD YDx Innovation Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 0
YDRMF YDx Innovation Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 0
YDWAF Yodogawa Steel Works Ltd (Japan) N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
YGTFF Gold Terra Resource Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 370,106
YHDT You Han Data Tech Co Ltd N/A Mining $ 21
YLLXF Ord GBP 0.01/Yellow Cake Plc N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
YMTKF Yamato Kogyo Co., Ltd. N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
YNGFF Veris Gold Corp N/A Precious Metals $ 51,716,630
YNVYF Ynvisible Interactive Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 4,333,928
YRBAF Cl A Com/Yorbeau Resources Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 4,559,089
YUMFF Yumy Candy Co Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 0
YWRLD Dixie Gold Inc N/A Mining $ 1,400,100
YWRLF Dixie Gold Inc N/A Mining $ 516,960
YZCAY Sponsored Adr Repstg H Shs/Yankuang Energy Group Co Ltd 14.24% Mining $ 10,494,556,800
YZCHF Shs H/Yankuang Energy Group Co Ltd 11.97% Mining $ 2,634,048,000
ZCCMF ZCCM Investment Holding Co Plc. (United Kingdom) N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 0
ZCPRF Zinccorp Resources Inc N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 13
ZENYF Zenyatta Ventures Ltd N/A Mining $ 268,240,700
ZEUS Olympic Steel Inc. 1.51% Non-Precious Metals $ 441,646,110
ZHAOF Zhaojin Mining Industry Co., Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
ZIJMF Cl H Ord/Zijin Mining Group Co Ltd 2.60% Precious Metals $ 0
ZIJMY ADR/Zijin Mining Group Co Ltd 1.96% Precious Metals $ 0
ZKIN Ord/ZK International Group Co Ltd N/A Metal Products $ 13,536,165
ZMPLF Zimplats Holdings Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
ZNCXF ZincX Resources Corp N/A Mining $ 3,455,250
ZNGGF Zanaga Iron Ore Co Ltd N/A Mining $ 0
ZNWLF Ord GBP 0.01/Zinnwald Lithium plc N/A Precious Metals $ 0
ZNXT ZNextMining Corp Inc N/A Precious Metals $ 0
ZOXCF Zeox Corp N/A Mining $ 55
ZPHYF Zephyr Minerals Ltd. N/A Mining $ 298,803
ZRSCF Zoloto Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 8,342
ZTARF Zeta Resources Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 0
ZYQG ZYQC Group Ltd N/A Precious Metals $ 960
ZZZOD Zinc One Resources Inc N/A Mining $ 691,013
ZZZOF Zinc One Resources Inc N/A Non-Precious Metals $ 52,960
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